Stereophile & Mytek Brooklyn - Better than it Measures

I just read Stereophile’s review of the Brooklyn. The Brooklyn is a mini-preamp and DAC. The preamp parts includes one pair of RCA inputs which go to an optionally enabled phono stage. List is just under $2k

Unlike JA’s speaker reviews, I don’t have much to criticize this review for but as an owner I wanted to chime in. In fact I found JA’s writing quite useful as I learned why I can’t try out the different digital filters. MQA bites me again! I can either enable MQA or have filter control, but not both. Perhaps I missed it in the article but I’m not clear if JA tried out the fast roll-off filter or not.

First, this DAC sounds a lot better than it measures. What I mean is, we’ve all seen DAC’s that end up with superb measurements and develop a following, despite sounding well, emotionally flat to many. The Mytek is no such thing. It’s quite fun to listen to. Tonally I would put it close to the Berkeley Alpha, but while it has a glass smooth treble, it lacks the overall "cool" sound of the BADA. Compared to the Schiit I heard I find the Brooklyn every bit as resolving, but again, tonal balance leaning more towards the BADA. These are total nits though. I think I could live happily with any of these 3 DAC’s. :) Just for reference.

I’m using the Brooklyn as a USB DAC and preamp right now. Sorry, no vinyl here to try. I’m feeding it from a Xubuntu server and Logitech Media Server/Squeezelite. I was using a Parasound P7 for my integrated HT/stereo setup but it may be months before I can do 5.1 again so I decided to go direct. It definitely shows the P7 to sound a little veiled by comparison. Also, imaging is somewhat improved this way, perhaps due to better channel separation, or better frequency extension.

One great thing about the Brooklyn is that it is pretty much insensitive to sources, unlike my previous DAC the laid back ARC DAC 8. It really only sounded superb on high rez sources and even better via USB with proprietary drivers. The Brooklyn sounds great via USB and on any format you throw at it. It’s actually very hard to distinguish Redbook from 96/24. Of course, the flame wars will begin now about how that should be interpreted. I’m only stating what I hear. What conclusions you draw are your own.

Other interesting points about the review is how little praise MQA gets here. JA writes that MQA files sound better with MQA decoding, but in absolute terms of using MQA vs. not, he writes a single sentence.

Like JA I also have occasional need to reboot the entire thing. One thing that seems to get me into trouble is switching rapidly between PCM resolution locks it up, and very rarely when listening to Jazz FM 91 (96k/16) it would not lock on properly so there was quite a bit of distortion on the top end. I’m a little concerned actually this is a heat issue because now that fall is upon us in the SF Bay area I no longer experience it.

I’m not the biggest fanboy of DSD, but I like it a smidge better, and the recordings I have from Blue Coast Records sound superb.

Thanks to my PC setup, I use the PC and therefore the Brooklyn to watch Netflix/Hulu, etc. and I have to tell you, it's really kind of crazy good! :) You don't realize how good Saturday Night Live sounds until you've listened this way.

Anyway, I hope this helps you. As always, only to your own ears should you be true.

I just took delivery of an Astron with variable voltage and current. I ordered it from and they were well priced and fast. UPS ground was not too bad.

Astron has a rock solid output. Meter says 12V, actual output is closer to 12.3. I'm leaving it alone. Usually when you measure a regulator circuit you'll have little fluctuating voltage readings. 12.29, 12.27... but not here.

I'm using a short run of 14 guage speaker cable to a little adapter with screw terminals. The markings on the plug guided me for polarity.

The current meter says the Brooklyn is only drawing about half an amp.

So this may seem like overkill, but this power supply has just a rock solid output with such a little load.

So far pretty good, but let me get more used to what I'm hearing.
Erik, I agree with your assessment of the sound of the FR filter on the Brooklyn. It does accentuate the leading edge of notes and attack more than the SR or MPH filters. If I am listening to a forward or edgy recording, I like the MPH or SR filter a bit more, but the SR filter is not quite as extended in the upper highs.
Be sure to try a different type of wire from the heavy 14 gauge speaker cable going to the Brooklyn from the power supply. I found the heavy gauge wire to make it sound dark and overly warm. I know it sounds silly, but the cheap, black 22 gauge stranded copper wire you find on small, wall wart power supplies sounds much more neutral and better balanced all around. It beat out all of the various, expensive, ultra-pure copper and pure silver wire I tried. You don't need a heavy gauge wire to supply the Brooklyn. Try to keep the wire as short as possible too.
My local audiophile friend just ordered a second RS12A from Astron, and had them set it up to put out 19 volts so he could power his audio computer with it. They did not charge him extra for the custom set-up. It took a few days of constant use for his new RS12A to break-in and settle down, but once it did, he is enjoying the results. Leave yours powered up for a couple of days before any serious listening, and DO try that cheap wire!
I'd rather stick with what I'm using, also cheap, but i may put a very nice 0.1uF film cap across the ends. :)

My version of the Astron has a voltage dial, so I'm all set so long as no one changes it. :)



No need. Just the banana plug outs to a mini-jack like this one:

Just make sure you observe the proper polarity on the plug. 
