Most detailed budget power cord under 150$ used?

For smps powered devices, low power (streamer 15W, 2 active monitors 30w each)
Looking for more Detail, Speed, Timing, Soundstage. Neutral to bright cables preferred.

Diy possible (how about cat7 cable?)

And yes, the connector will influence the sound just as much as the type of wire conductors.

Second thought - the DIY option using the Neotech chassis wire will be superior to any of the 3 pre-made cables because you are using OCC copper (Ohno Continuous Cast), instead of the OFC copper in the pre-made cables, as well as using superior Furutech connectors. The closest option to this would be the Wire World Electra OCC ($450 at 1 meter, or $700 at 2 meter).

It’s more expensive and will push the cable over $150, but you could use Furutech FP-3TS20 power cord cable with the Furutech connectors for DIY. The FP-3TS20 is $96 per meter (or roughly $30 per foot) at Parts Connexion. It’s 14awg, but it uses OCC copper and it wrapped in a UL approved cable.

If you don’t need a 6 foot cable, you don’t need to make one. I have cables that are 2.5-3 feet and they are excellent.

Spend a $100 more and get an Audience e PC, it's a great all around cord with excellent EMF rejection 

I have purchased a used Nordost PC for around $150 and have been quite pleased. Good luck.
I too have been working on making my system faster and more resolving of fine detail and have made most of my progress on the power delivery  side. I have limited experience with power cables but have tried five different brands in my system in various positions and my recommendation would be a Cullen Cable Crossover Series. I currently have three of these in my system and have found them to preform quite well. I don't know your required length but you can purchase a three foot cable new for $175 with 30 day return, a little more than your target figure but close with a return option. Not sure how often these come up on the used market but would surely be under your target.
