Devore O/96 with Class A Solid State Amps

The Devore O/96 is highly regarded and most frequently heard with tube amps, often lower power SET amps to good effect.  I'm a big fan of SET amps and have heard the Devore O/96 with different SET designs and PP tube amps like Leben.  The O/96 is extremely good with many of these tube amps.  But I recently tried my Devore O/96 with a Pass Labs XA30.8 amplifier was astounded at how great this combination sounds.  The O/96 is really transformed with the XA30.8 and I think the sound is superb.  The clarity, realism, tonal purity, detail, imaging, neutrality, musicality, and ease of reproduction in highly complex demanding musical passages is extraordinary.  Has anyone else tried pairing Devore O/96 with Class A amps?
This is not surprising to me that a well implemented high impedance (10 ohms) easy load speaker would sound good with high quality tube or solid state, low or high power amplifiers. Atmasphere (Ralph) as often pointed out that every type of amplifier topology will perform with less bdistortion and effort driving an easier speaker load. This has always been intuitive and made sense to me. Congratulations with your sucessful pairing.
Absolutely agree.  The Pass Labs XA30.8 is an exceptional amp and deserving of all it's praise and positive reviews.  The point 8 series amps from Pass are a great value for their level of performance.  Regarding the Devore O/96, I'm impressed that they are so revealing of changes in electronics and cables.  The O/96 is certainly a very easy speaker load and tube friendly, but they are outstanding with a variety of amp designs.   
This is a great reminder that we not adopt a narrow minded perspective with respect to putting together a system.  I spent most of my audio years in pursuit of achieving my goals with low efficiency dipole speakers and the requisite high current amps, having made up my mind that a speaker in a box couldn't possibly sound like anything but a speaker in a box.  A $2500 experiment on a pair of Coincident Triumph Extreme II's elicited a swift metanoia and now I have two systems using the high efficiency speaker low power SET approach. I most certainly don't expect to own another panel speaker, but I must admit that on occasion the 30.8 or perhaps a First Watt J-2 calls to me, just to satisfy my curiosity.  I spent last night listening to Brahms violin and viola sonatas, and it was pure bliss.  But on occasion, I have to revisit the Ring or Mahler, and I wonder if a really nice 30 W SS amp might not be interesting to have in the bull pen. 
I've also been devoted to SET amps for years and they have many superb qualities, offering an organic, rich tone quality which can be addictive, especially with vocals and small scale recordings.  I've heard the First Watt J2 with the Devore O/96 also.  The J2 is an excellent amp and pairs very well with the O/96, but in my experience the resolution, imaging, detail retrieval and tonal accuracy of the XA30.8 is much higher, especially on complex demanding large scale symphonic and operatic recordings.