Pass Labs upgrade?

i am looking to hear from anyone that has/had the Pass Labs XA-60.8 amplifiers and upgraded to the Xa-100.8 amps. What was your experience like ? Was it worth the leap?
my speakers are pretty efficient @ 91 db but I am interested in the next model of Pass Labs for potential increase in overall dynamics.
alfa100,  Purhased a pair of Xa 160.8s just two (2) months ago. My Avalons have never sounded better. Out of the box; bass control was great. After (2) weeks; bass control became tighter, more textured, seemed to go even lower. They have kept getting better in subtle ways. Midrange is superb. Space and Air have continued to improve. Dead Quiet! Everything comes out of a black background! Imagining is palpable! Will be keeping these amps for a long time! At a 141lbs each; make sure you know where you want them! Best Wishes on your Journey.
Call and speak with Kent English at Pass Labs. Kent spent time with me during our quest to get the "right" Pass amp.
He's honest and straight forward - a refreshing break from our marketing induced culture.
Kent explained each step up the Pass line improves performance, not just increases power.
We have a pair of Sasha I's, originally driven by a XA-30.5 (which we greatly preferred over our X-250.5). Now we have a pair of XA-200.5 and aspire for a pair of Alexia's and XS-300's. 
I second tjassoc.

Kent and the guys at Pass Labs (including Nelson Pass himself) are very approachable and generous with their time. I also highly recommend Mark Sammut at Reno HiFi as a dealer with very fair pricing, generous trade-in/trade-up policies, in-home demos and all-around good guy.

I've traded up with Mark over the years and never been disappointed. He's a very straight-shooter and won't automatically try to "up-sell" you to something you might not need.

I went from X350.5 to X250.8 and consider it a significant upgrade. Likewise XP-20 to XP-30 -- maybe the biggest single step-change for the better of any component upgrade I've done in 40+ years of audio.

Steve Z