Most detailed budget power cord under 150$ used?

For smps powered devices, low power (streamer 15W, 2 active monitors 30w each)
Looking for more Detail, Speed, Timing, Soundstage. Neutral to bright cables preferred.

Diy possible (how about cat7 cable?)
I have purchased a used Nordost PC for around $150 and have been quite pleased. Good luck.
I too have been working on making my system faster and more resolving of fine detail and have made most of my progress on the power delivery  side. I have limited experience with power cables but have tried five different brands in my system in various positions and my recommendation would be a Cullen Cable Crossover Series. I currently have three of these in my system and have found them to preform quite well. I don't know your required length but you can purchase a three foot cable new for $175 with 30 day return, a little more than your target figure but close with a return option. Not sure how often these come up on the used market but would surely be under your target.

Here is my take.  I have a dozen power cords, none of which cost more than $150 -- including several from Pangea, and I never heard a bit of difference or improvement in my system swapping them around.   Whatever you want to audition in your system, make sure you get a 30-day return deal.  Many audiophiles rave about power cord upgrades, but my experience has been to the contrary.   Good luck. 
I like the used Nordost Shiva. I'm currently using one on an Oppo BDP105D.  I also like Wireworld you can look at Morrow Audio. 

I agree with Pangea pc ,I have the ac14mark2se is just as good as my 2 audience powerchord, for $59 ? How can you beat that?