DVD Rippers are Cheap and CD Transports are Not -- Why?

I have owned pricey CD transports from Wadia, Theta, and Levinson and inexpensive DVD RW drives built into music servers.  All are highly regarded for their ability to do the job -- the transports sound great and the severs rip bit perfect files without so much as a hiccup.  How do the ripping drives do their job so well at a fraction of the cost of the expensive transports?
I ask because transports are prone to break and parts availability becomes a problem.  My Wadia transport now is a very cool looking doorstop.  I am toying with the idea of buying an Oppo universal player but am worried it will end up a useless brick.
Any thoughts?
The logical alternative seems to be to rip the digital media to a hard drive (or even better, and SSD) and play the music from that source.  Those devices provide a much better, faster read rate and no real need for error correction or multiple reads.  Use USB, or coax / SPDIF output from the soundcard into the DAC. 

Computers with ripping capability are a fraction of the cost of most transports.

That said, I'm using an Onkyo C-7030 as a CD transport and it works great.  I haven't implemented the computer option even though I have about 250gb of easily accessed music files.
Redbook CD playback occurs with data streaming in real time (1X disk speed), and as result any errors must be corrected in real time on the fly. Difficult to do without audible effects. A data drive, however, reads the disk much faster (20X-30X) and the data errors can be detected by algorithms or re-reading. Due to just the mass market volume, data drives will always be much cheaper than any audio drive. I have found that redbook CDs ripped on a computer drive with dBPoweramp or similar program and played back through my Bryston BDP/BDA combo sounds better than any transport I have ever owned, in part because the source is a true digital copy of the digital data on the CD, and not subject to transport variables and real time error correction. A transport can only approach a true digital copy in real time, whereas the ripped files are true digital copies.  
I have an OPPO 103D and I love it.  I'm using it with a NAD M51 dac and it sounds great and plays virtually every type of media. I use it with Blu-ray concert discs, Blu-ray audio only, .wave, flac, cds, streaming Netflix ,  Pandora,  .....it is basically the hub of my system . 

If you have a good dac try one out,  I bought it for two reasons, I consider anything that spins a disc a consumable item.   Plus I have a kid in college.  That said I made some considerable upgrades three years ago and it was time for a new player.   I needed a universal player and was able to check out OPPOs at my local dealer.   I bought it on the spot and it's been the best player I've ever owned , regardless of cost.   It's super quiet ,  it's the only machine that I've ever owned where I can not hear the drive from my chair .  It is loaded with features that I'm not even going to touch on because it does everything.  I put my cds on a 2 TB hard drive and almost always access music from the drive.  Plus cover art and your music library on a drive is displayed on your TV.  great app for Android or apple phones or tablets.  On and on and on..... for $600.