Is anyone thinking about building Walsh drivers?

I'm hoping to start a discussion that is not charged with emotion that may be useful to folks seeking to build Walsh transmission line drivers.
Any of you out there played with this seriously?
V.4 project is still underway.  Support 'rings' need to be CNC'd, some hardware to acquire...then assembly routines to perform for 4 units.
Upper drivers for the V.4's partially completed and tested.  Wonders never cease, they work AND pretty much as intended.  Having 4 units 'act' the same, at least to one's ears, I'll chalk up to spending a certain amount of time 'building between my ears''s less annoying to screw up a daydream. *G*
Real Life concerns (large out of state project that'll occupy moi' until Dec./Jan.) will put the project back on the shelf until that dust settles.
It'd be nice if AG would allow posting pics, but one can't have everything.  But when the deed is done, I'll post an improved YT vid...with better audio, too....
Back from the shadows, again...
Will pick up from whence I left off....collecting parts, make and have made some elements, try to push the V.4's off the drawing board and into reality.
Have made contact with two area audio professionals that have agreed to listen to my current version and give some serious feedback which has been high on my is a good friend and collaborator with the man that inspired this 'diversion' of mine in the first place so long ago.  It'd be great if he sees fit to tag along, it'd be like getting to meet Buddha...*G*

Very good Jerry, while it may seem the crickets have taken over here, I am sure there are still some lookers. I did peruse your stuff of late over on DIY. Nice to see you still working away on them! Hopefully your endeavors will continue to reap rewards for you.

Sorry I don't have more comments really, but it is of interest. I guess I just take more of a hands off approach these days, although your efforts do once in awhile provoke me to think about doing some of my own "playing around"-although you are far from that lowly stage at this point.

Carry on sir! Crickets be damned....

frazeur1, you betcha and thanks for looking in. *G*
'Real Life' concerns still top the list of 2do's at this time but I'm still plotting plans.  Reliable means of cone forming still concern me...although I've created positive and negative forms to 'hand shape' them, I still would like to investigate slip rolling them.  Nothing seems to be available that can go that small in diameters and that thin in material so I'm faced with either making a slip roller that could do just that.  Or a variation that would act like a pivoting roller over a sheet of rubber or foam, which would be easier to fab up.
Another issue is an improved adhesive for the cone's seam.  One comment that came in on my YouTube video of the current V3's is 'buzzing', which could be generated by flaws in the seam.  Any potential gaps would create such....closing that seam is a hat trick, since fingers and any 'off the shelf' clamps don't fit into truncated cones top to bottom.  And holding the cone in alignment while applying one or more really calls for another pair of hands attached and controlled by the same nervous system.  The + & - forms could manage this, but I'm faced with a means of keeping said forms from attaching themselves to the cone itself; the proverbial 'sticky wicket'.
Next is the cone structure itself...a 5 mil version with 3 'windows', creating a tripod with 'rings' at top and bottom.  This to reduce the weight of the cone, which I've been advised is a bit on the heavy side.  Laminated to the interior will be a second 'full' cone of 2 mil, infilling the windows and creating the primary radiating elements.  The forms will help in this assembly, but will still be a bit of a nail biter in alignment.
*L*  These are the things I think about when I have the moments to spend on the subject while hands are occupied doing something more 'automatic' and the mind is free to wander about...
That, and pursuing a 60 hz hmmm that in the system on idle...mild, but there and annoying.  Which may disappear with the revamp of the electronics' wiring and connections that has been long delayed.
Too much to do, too little of me to splay about...*L*