Devore O/96 with Class A Solid State Amps

The Devore O/96 is highly regarded and most frequently heard with tube amps, often lower power SET amps to good effect.  I'm a big fan of SET amps and have heard the Devore O/96 with different SET designs and PP tube amps like Leben.  The O/96 is extremely good with many of these tube amps.  But I recently tried my Devore O/96 with a Pass Labs XA30.8 amplifier was astounded at how great this combination sounds.  The O/96 is really transformed with the XA30.8 and I think the sound is superb.  The clarity, realism, tonal purity, detail, imaging, neutrality, musicality, and ease of reproduction in highly complex demanding musical passages is extraordinary.  Has anyone else tried pairing Devore O/96 with Class A amps?
Charles,  The pictures are old.  I have the woofers facing outward and that is the preferred orientation.  The speakers are moved back from the listening position and now the rear ports are 18" out from the front wall.  Israel lists that as the minimum acceptable distance from the wall.  Moving the speakers closer to the wall than what you see in the picture really helped in this case.   I have also changed some of the room furnishings, and undoubtedly, the room looks better with long wall orientation than it will look with short wall.  I also have all of my dedicated circuits on the long wall, because the electrician couldn't add anything to the outside short wall without tearing out the drywall.  That means if I use short wall orientation I am probably going to need some long speaker cables, which I'm not crazy about, but you do what you have to do.  As far as going off topic, its not like that hasn't happened with us before.   Good thing we aren't next door neighbors.  Neither one of us would get anything done!
I'll follow your room acoustic developments with keen interest. 
Charles, assuming I get anywhere with this project, I will post some comments on my system page.  I don't have an ideal room, but it isn't all that bad, and it is dedicated to music and out of sight of visitors.  So I have a bit more latitude to use treatments.  Still, the room aesthetic is important to me.  You, Schubert and I have discussed this previously. Glorious sound in a room that looks like a dump is not really going to get it done.  Speaking of Schubert, anyone heard from him lately?  
Schubert and Isochronism are two former  frequent contributors who have seemingly vanished from this forum. Regarding your listening room I believe that once you're done it will be exceptionally good sounding and visually pleasing as it will reflect your personal taste. By the way I like the wall color  (my wife's characteristics have rubbed off on me over the years 😊).