Class D Technology

So I get the obvious strengths of Class D. Efficiency, power output & running cool which allows for small form factors. I also understand the weaknesses somewhat. 1. Non-linear & lots of distortion that needs to be cleaned up with an output filter. 
So my question is, if it weren't for efficiency & power, would there be any reason to own a Class D amp? Do they beat Class A in any other categories that count for sound quality?  

Hi seanheis1, amplifier designers modifying class D modules is largely an urban legend.... One of the few amp designers who has done this is Bruno Putzeys, who has made some minor modifications to his own Hypex NCore NC1200 for integration into the Mola Mola Kaluga amplifier that he has also designed.

Rather, Designers who utilize class D amplifier use an incremental design approach to their amp implementations.

For some entry level implementations, it is often possible to limit oneself to housing the power conversion module in a chassis and wiring it to output terminals.... If the module is of very high quality, such as the NC1200, or its NC600 younger brother, the results can still be remarkably good.

Some other manufacturers, such as Merrill Audio, do a thorough "passive" component design around the modules... They implement highly dampened chassis, highest quality internal wiring (e.g. Cardas), and I/O connectors: see for example the Merrill Audio Veritas monos that I have reviewed for PFO a couple years ago. In some cases, like in the entry level Merril Teranis stereo amp, they design custom input stages.

Finally, some manufacturers, like Rowland, utilize the Hypex NCore NC1200 models as component parts of sophisticated amps, where all but the power conversion module is a custom-designed component.... In the M925 monoblock, the power supply is a 2500W DC multi-regulated SMPS unit fed by a power factor corrected rectifier (PFC) where the generated DC is further "whashed" through Jensen 4-pole capacitors to eliminate any residual ripples. The inputs are coupled to very large Lundahl transformers to maximize common mode noise wrejection.... There is a lot more to the technology of the Rowland M925 amps in my own system, but I do not pretend to know all technical details.

Suffice to say that the resulting sound and music are too die for.... The amps are as quiet as can be, and the output is harmonically articulate, with no trace of grain, and certainly without any treble intermodulation that I would otherwise easily detect as harshness in split high string and high brass parts.

Granted, in general NCore amps, the higher end Pascal amps, and also the better ICEpower implementations are not likely to fit the requirements of the lover of triode designs who prefers a slight bloom in the midrange, a warm mid bass, and a gently tapered off treble.

Rather, these amps, once they are well broken in, tend to yield what I like to call a "goldielockian" musicality. In other words, a sonic environment that yields an even harmonic treatement to the entire audible spectrum.... I love it, but admittedly not everyone does.

Regards, Guido

Guido and others, the Lyngdorg is one such Class D design with other new and cutting edge technologies implemented. Best sounding amp I have had the pleasure of listening to. It is a dac, room correction, preamp, and amp all in one. This is indeed the future of audio and it is coming fast. I love tube amps and preamps. I love NOS dacs, I love vintage tone. This Lyndorf bettered all those other separates I still love. So Class D with other SOTA technology mixed in can not only be great, it can be stunning and best in class. 

Regardless of the technology used in an amp, Class A, AB, D, H etc... It is the implementation that counts. Yes, Class D is implemented differently with emerging SOTA solutions. So buckle-up Aphiles as we are in for a great ride. I will also say this to Class D detractors. Have you heard every Class D option out there in your home? No is the obvious answer. Leave room in your mind for  the possibility that Class D with its various implementations may in fact please you.

I am a believer now and was not about 12 months ago. I had heard several Class D amps in my home and in the end thought they were OK. Well Lyngdorf changed that with their particular implenmentation......for me anyway. 

Thank you grannyring, yours is an excellent case in point... You and I happened to have adopted class D amps because -- using our own ears *Grins!* -- we fell in love with their sound... And are still in love with what our devices continue to do for us.

Saluti, Guido

Hi Guido,
When you say that you and Bill use your own ears and thus determined that class D suits you all I don’t believe anyone here would dispute this conclusion. Those who find class D undesirable are equally credible in their listening evaluations as well. One view doesn’t hold more merit than the other. The verdict is a split decision of yays and nays as with virtually any audiophile/High End topic. What impresses you or Bill may disappoint someone else who just has different taste and sonic criteria. Both sides of of this issue have IMO made compelling points. For there to be implication that if one is critical of class D they’re closed minded is misguided. It just means they listened and were honestly underwhelmed. We both would surely agree with the mantra of YMMV. 
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