Class D Technology

So I get the obvious strengths of Class D. Efficiency, power output & running cool which allows for small form factors. I also understand the weaknesses somewhat. 1. Non-linear & lots of distortion that needs to be cleaned up with an output filter. 
So my question is, if it weren't for efficiency & power, would there be any reason to own a Class D amp? Do they beat Class A in any other categories that count for sound quality?  
Charles, "We both would surely agree with the mantra of YMMV." Agreed

Mapman "It’s close minded to infer a product or technology is inferior or deficient just because one prefers something else. That’s all." Again, agreed.

In the end, let your ears tell you what YOU like and lead the way. That is ultimately what is most important.

Yes, I've heard Class D a few times. My dream system is Mbl's entry-level system with a Class D integrated, CD/DAC, and speakers. It makes beautiful music and if the $$ weren't a concern, I would have it already. 

Specs and technicalities aside, let your ears lead you to YOUR perfect system. We don't buy our gear to please everyone, just us since we are nearly always the only audience.

Some other manufacturers, such as Merrill Audio, do a thorough "passive" component design around the modules... They implement highly dampened chassis, highest quality internal wiring (e.g. Cardas), and I/O connectors: see for example the Merrill Audio Veritas monos that I have reviewed for PFO a couple years ago. In some cases, like in the entry level Merril Teranis stereo amp, they design custom input stages.

Hi Guido, I was referring to the custom input stages as an example of adding a house sound...such as the tube input stage that Peachtree uses. If all a company does is add a chassis and nice wiring to the I/O connectors using an Ice Module, that is basically a DIY project...which I agree isn't bad if the module is of sufficient quality. I had a DIY setup with the Ice Amp 125ASX2 and unfortunately it didn't meet my expectations with regards to accuracy. It had dead quiet moments during songs that could be viewed as a positive or as artificial blackness.                                               

I have never heard Hypex, but many indicators point to it as being a superior implementation of Class D when compared with ICE Modules. 

Hi Charles, I agree with you, in the following way:

From a sonic point of view, there is really no absolute advantage in principle between one topology and another one.

Rather, there are users that might find a particular amplifier of one topology preferable to another amplifier.... Be the second amplifier of the same topology, or of another one.

Not all class D amplifiers are sonically desirable to my ears... There is a broad range.... From devices that make me cringe, to those that make me swoon.

The same is for amps that are built around other topologies... Thus my love for Solution, ARC amps, and some VTLs.

While there are practical considerations why I am unlikely ever to own VTL or ARC amps to power my Die Muzik speakers (heat dissipation and tube maintenance), the reason why I do not own a Solution amp is pure happenstance.

I also heard a few triod amps that I truly enjoyed, although they are unlikely to be able to drive my speakers to my satisfaction.

So, if I were to use the language of formal logic, I would say that.... For all amps of a given class I have found there exists at least one amp that I have enjoyed.

Finally, as we are all different, it is self evident that what makes me swoon, is likely to leave some other suffering audiophrene totally non-plussed.

As for nixing a class on a couple specs.... Now, that is beyond me to fathom.

Saluti, G.

Hi Guido,
Regarding the notion of dismissing a class based on selected specifications I’m with you 100%, dogma doesn’t work for me. It has to be based on actual listening experiences. I also agree with you in that within any audio product genre inevitably a hierarchy is established, class D amplifiers included. I’m very fond of SET amplification but readily admit there’s a definite spectrum of quality and performance.

I without reservation respect the listening impressions that you and others here have posted pertaining to class D amplifiers, who am I to say that you all are wrong? My point is that by the same token those who’ve listen to these amplifiers and rejected them on sonic/musical grounds have simply expressed themselves openly. I’ll make it a point to hear a Jeff Rowland class D amp based on your genuine enthusiasm. It could certainly be better than the Mola Mola amplifier I’ve heard a couple of times.
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