Rockpanther , I understand your frustration. I been looking for the exact sound you prefer. It is very hard to find.
Were the Vienna Acoustics you listened the new Symphony Edition? The SE versions are supposed to be more quicker and extended than the regular grand series. I have not heard them yet myself though. Plan on auditioning them soon , so I will give you feed back on them when I do.
Just make sure you listen first before you buy anything . Also , listen more than one time because a lot of speakers and associated equipment can sound great at first , but after a few listening sessions become fatiguing.
Were the Vienna Acoustics you listened the new Symphony Edition? The SE versions are supposed to be more quicker and extended than the regular grand series. I have not heard them yet myself though. Plan on auditioning them soon , so I will give you feed back on them when I do.
Just make sure you listen first before you buy anything . Also , listen more than one time because a lot of speakers and associated equipment can sound great at first , but after a few listening sessions become fatiguing.