
I'm sitting in the sweet spot...listening to one of the truly sublime albums of all time...composition, performance and production...Tea For The Tillerman.

Ortofon 2m Blue on a Rega RP3 with ttpsu, groovetracer ref, subplatter, assymeyrical counterweight, white belt.  Cambridge 651p phono stage.  Very happy with it all (subplatter made a phenomenal difference, btw)

just looking for for that bit of atmosphere I've heard in my favorite dealer's sound room.  So where can I find it? Go up to the 2m black?  Phono stage?  Acrylic platter?  Or is it elsewhere in the system?  Odyssey Candela and Khartago extreme into B&W CDM1 SE's. ..mid range audio quest wiring throughout. 

Any my input would be much appreciated.  This system is mighty close to where I'd want to go.  Modest by most standards here, but feels like an old favorite flannel shirt, ya know?
To get the atmosphere it took me to getting the source right.  

And also some killer speaker wire from aq.
Good call, @joey_v : maybe try some good speaker wire or IC from Clear Day. Paul will allow you to try out the wires. They hold their own against Acoustic Zens.
I agree with an upgrade to the phono stage.  As nice as the Cambridge is, it's only a $200 phono stage.

I really like the phono stage below.  It's a tube unit that will definitely get you the atmosphere and ambiance you are looking for.  It's pretty well priced also.

Before doing any upgrades, you might want to try the less than obvious and get your room under control. After that, then concentrate on anything in the system that vibrates. Micro vibrations smear the sound. Here's some things that work:

1. http://highend-electronics.com/products/shakti-hallograph-1

2.  http://highend-electronics.com/products/synergistic-research-black-quantum-fuses

3. http://highend-electronics.com/products/sr-hft-high-frequency-transformer

4.  http://highend-electronics.com/products/synergistic-research-pht-phono-transducer

5.  http://www.originlive.com/turntable-belts-replacement-new.html

6.  If you have any tubes in the system, check these out:

These six tweaks will transform your existing system and take it way beyond your expectations. 

As nice as the Cambridge is, it's only a $200 phono stage.

So...his entire system is budget...