NY Audio Show

Anyone going?   Looks like a nice show this year in a very nice venue.   Wish I could make it.  OHM Acoustics/speakers will have a room for first time ever at a show that I know of.  Would love to meet John Strohbeen. Sounds like a very competitive setup he wil have there for very modest cost.  Interested to hear what others find there.
That’s a shame.

I enjoyed Capital Audiofest this year. I heard many very good sounding rooms and others reported similarly. Who is going to spend the big bucks for this stuff if the sound is not in line?

I think I read that CAF is moving to November next year rather than July as it always has been. That works for me.

You’d think that a high end audio show in New York, which tends to be the capital of doing great things on a large scale, could do better. But clearly hotel room space is tight and expensive in NYC and that seems to be the hindrance.

It sounds like turnout was pretty good though. I’d be curious to hear if any vendors found it worthwhile in terms of getting their stuff out in front of potential new buyers. If a show like this delivers new customers and sales I suppose that’s the most important thing. That would mean some liked and were sold on some things at least even if no new bars are set for "absolute sound" by the experts.
I too hope it was worthwhile for Vendors to show at the NYC show. How was Ohm Acoustic's showing there? I only saw a small blurb mentioned in TAS I think..
One the Stereophile reviewers hit teh OHM room. They were new to him it seemed. He acknowledged the big sweet spot but seemed bothered by "ambience" of the sound. That’s was about it. Did have a picture. Maybe not an omni guy or used to that sound. I was not when I first got my newer OHMs. Was totally disssapointed and disoriented at first. Happened again when I first hooked them up to my Bel Canto Ref1000m Class D amps. Sound had changed in a major way each time (in regards to soundstage and imaging) that took time to get used to. Things suddenly snapped into place shortly after. My ears were just not adapted or focusing correctly. I even had older OHm walsh speakers for over 20 years prior to compare to but that did not help much it seemed.