Search for miracle integrated

Hello All,

I'm on a search for a very specific type of integrated. I am upgrading my system from the top of the stream down. I go all digital / Lossless quality or higher so the logical start was with the DAC. I just received my Yggdrasil which I absolutely LOVE and feel that I got a much better value than I was expecting (even with all the praise online it met and exceeded my expectations).

My quest continues with the integrated. I am looking for a company that spends very little on marketing and works to move as much of the value for the money to the product itself. Very high value is important to me, I want to get value above the price and I don't want to pay for anything I don't need (such as a built-in DAC as I already have one). The more musical and the higher the clarity the better. My short list is pretty short- the SimAudio Moon 600i and Ayre's integrated.  Some other factors are below. I typically buy new but I'm open to a good value in a used product as well.

Budget (only for the integrated): $8K+/-
Music preference: classical, light rock, pop
End speakers:  It is between Accoustic Zen Crescendo / Vandy Quatros / Wilson Sophias / Revel Salon Ultimas 
Power: 150 WPC+ into 8 ohm

I wonder how the Pass INT-250 and Gryphon Diablo 300 would stack up against the Vitus SIA-025? I tend to think the Absolare Passion integrated would be more of a peer, though I haven’t heard the Pass or Gryphon.
I own a yba passion integrated and a yba passion 600 power amp and I must say that all the gear I've owned in forty years the yba gear has the most beautiful sound highly recommended.

Melbguy1, interesting you mention the Absolare integrated. I will be doing an in-home trial before the end of the month. On paper, it looks like a nice piece of gear.  
I also share my office with my listening room--a sort of man cave built above my garage. Here are my 2 cents after trying different speakers and amps over the last few years.

1) Nail down the speaker you like and listen to it in your room to make sure it's right. I had Harbeth SHL5s and, on a whim, bought some B&W 803Ds. Bad idea. Overwhelmed the room and my current integrated didn't drive them well. I currently have Dynaudio Contour 3.4S with upgraded Esotar 2 tweeters.
2) Match the amp with the speaker. With the Harbeths, I started with Bryston separates (4BSST2 and MP26), then went to an Ayre integrated AX-7E, Luxman 505ux, Hegel H300 and auditioned a friend's Devialet 400. The Bryston separates were great, the Ayre was wimpy, the Hegel okay, the Devialet was great, and I'm keeping the Luxman.
3) Why the Luxman? Bulletproof, excellent sonics, nice features like a loudness button (you'll be listening at low volumes in your home office and it makes a big and pleasant difference). Nice looking and a hefty 60 lbs of Japanese goodness.
4) If this is your work and listening environment, you might consider incorporating a streamer than allows you to install Roon. Roon has an amazing AI interface that will create your own customized listening experience and allow integration with Tidal.

Final thoughts--Luxman has an entire range. The 505ux is excellent and drives the Dyaudios really well, but you can also go Class A in their lineup. A bargain choice is also the Hegel H200 which you can find used for about $2000.

Austin Bob,

I have been a Luxman fan for years.  I can't bring myself to sell my L-590AX!  It's signing away in my office!