Obscure bands

Does anyone know a band called City Boy? (70's/80's)Very obscure and very original. It's beyond Me how such great talent goes so unnoticed! Also please chime in on other obscure talented musicians.

How about Axis?
It's a Circus World"
Late seventies power trio out of Louisiana.
Straight up Rock and roll😎
Drill - a single CD featuring the female vocalist from KDMFM.  One of my favorite CDs (although the production values are not great).
Since most of thes mentioned are not obscure, any body else out there know the work of Tupelo Chain Sex?
"Skinner Rat" - My guitar teacher in 'Vegas mixes tracks for someone in the County Coroner's office (Dr.?). Songs on the macabre side: jumping from the stratosphere tower, keeping grandma's body on a 50 gallon drum, entering an apartment with slightly "ripe" corps in a chair, -CSI set to hard rock...