Tmare, if you looking high-efficiency Loudspeaker, take a look
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No problem to listen
NY Audio Show
Tmare, if you looking high-efficiency Loudspeaker, take a look No problem to listen |
For me there were several things at the show I was excited to hear . First was the Kii all in one speaker system, which I thought was a knockout. Perfect for the audiophile who doesn’t want a complicated system or for a steller bedroom system. The Bob carver line source speakers is something I’ve always wanted to hear. It did some things quite well and was a bargain. It was great to speak with Bob Carver himself. I heard that some people were slamming the speaker online because it uses an off the shelf driver sold by parts express (I think). But Bob designed that driver in some sort of licensing deal. The bass section was placed in a corner for gain because of the size of the room which made it a bit boomy for my tastes, but in a smaller room away from boundaries im sure it Would have performed better. my favorite room was the solution and Magico room. The Magicos were fantastic at $16k even though it was a bit of a Mis match in cost with well over $100k of electronics. i enjoyed hearing the small ohm speakers that truly had a big sweet spot. I did wish they had seminars at the show. These were becoming some of my favorite things at previous shows. The Martin Logan room I thought was a total disaster. Not sure if the Mark levinsion electronics were a bad match for them but the sound was hard and cold. The other thing about shows it makes me appreciate my own system even more. I like many have a nagging thought that perhaps there’s something better out there that’s the key to sonic nirvana. But hearing some of the same cuts I heard at the show on my TAD speakers (augmented above and below) sounded much more like what I hear when attending the live acoustic bluegrass music parties my friend hosts in his apartment and at unamplified Jazz venues like Mezzrow here in NYC. |
devilboy I agree with your top pick Charney’s full range speakers was our top pick also. |