"It’s like baking a cake"Actually, it’s more like frosting a cake that someone else baked.
When I owned the Atsah’s (same Hypex Ncore modules as the Veritas, also in milled aluminum boxes) I had the opportunity to try different wiring harnesses between boards and from the boards to the binding posts. I tried high quality wire from Harmonic Technology (individually insulated multiple strands of OCC copper), Jupiter (high quality copper in cotton) and others and the differences between changing about 5 inches of wire did not even approach the difference between chocolate and vanilla frosting on the cake. I agree Cardas wire is good (I have Lundahl transformers using Cardas wire that sound very good) but I doubt it changes the basic signature of the amplifiers, and certainly no more than changing speaker cables.
One thing Merrill does that I like is they apparently (not confirmed because I know of no posted pictures of the insides of Merrill’s amps) solder the wire directly to the boards rather than use the generic plastic connectors intended for the Hypex boards. However, I would have an issue owning a component where the manufacturer is so concerned with people looking at how it is constructed that they would not allow the end-user/owner to even open the box to change the fuse.