Well Tempered Simplex arm and wiring

Does anyone know who makes the 5 pin arm wiring connector on the Well Tempered Simplex table, etc? The pins are smaller than most 55 pin connectors I've seen. I bought a WT Simplex plinth (platter and arm were missing) and I am modifying it for use with a self-made Simplex clone arm.
mr_m, thanks for this detailed description - I thought of keeping the cylinder bottom of the cup unit solid as well to add mass. Can you tell me the length of you suspension arm? I understand that the arm is 3.8" from plinth to top of arm (for the Simplex). In my clones of that arm, I've made the suspension post 3-7/8" long. Time to get things are accurate. I'm making the pillar from both Denril and aluminum.

gvoth. I will get back to you in a few days. I am out of town away from my system for a while.
Just thought of something. The gallows post that supports the arm is, I believe, 6 to 7 inches in length. It too goes into a hole in the base near the cup. It is adjustable in height with a set screw so as to adjust height of arm to adjust VTA and rake angle. I  can give you exact length when I get home.
The Simplex plinth I bought has the set screws. A friend is making the pot for me according to your measurements (he’s printing it 3D out of grey plastic). I bought a regulated AC to DC power supply and the motor turned nicely. I am making the pillar out of both black Denril and aluminum - I’m making a couple stainless steel  support arms. I ordered a metal picture frame I’ll be using as an extended base so that the WTRP bearing, spindle and platter, will fit. This will give the table a beefier, taller appearance and add mass along with some pods of sorbothane for damping separating the plinth and base. Then on to making the arm. I have a few parts for that. The pillar Delrin I got is 5.25" long. The support arm is supposed to be 3.8" from he top of the arm to the top of the plinth. How long is your support arm? I’ve made them 3-7/8" long for my 2 clones.