2.0 Stereo speakers on a $2000 budget?

After finding this forum and looking around here, I'm not sure anyone has a budget. WOW! $35,000 speakers!
But, is there any advise someone could give me? I want to get a pair of good stereo speakers for $2000 or less.
I have a new NAD C 356BEE integrated amp. As well as a 30 something year old NAD 1020B pre-amp and 2200 power amp. I can use a vinyl source with the 1020B or other analog with both the 1020B and the C 356BEE. I had a Thorens turntable with a Lynn tonearm and cartridge but it got lost after the divorce.
My living room is 14' X 21' X 8' high. I like all kinds of music. Some of it pretty loud.
Help would be greatly appreciated or maybe I should just move along.
Thank you.
Thank you GhostHouse.
When I bought my old NAD amp and Thorens turntable I also bought a pair of KEF speakers. Those are gone too. But I bought them in Charlotte, NC at Audio Salon. It was like a big home. Rooms with furniture in them and a comfortable living room like setting. I sat in each room and listened to systems within my budget at the time. Those places are long gone around here now. Crutchfield, Best Buy and Amazon have put most of those guys out of business. So, I have to go on the opinions of others.
So, I bought a pair of Elac UniFi bookshelf speakers. High ratings by everyone but I didn't like them at all. I sent them back and got a pair of Klipsch RP-160M speakers. There is some good sound in there but the high end is extremely harsh. So, I'm going to throw some more money at the problem and see if that helps.
Thanks again,

Are you using a CD player as a source in addition to a TT? Some CD’s could be causing the harshness in your system.

The NAD C 356BEE outputs 50 wpc into 8 ohms and 4 ohms, so you should be looking for efficient, easy to drive speakers. PSB floorstanders are often paired with NAD amps.
PSB Imagine T are $2000/pair new and the Imagine T2 used might be within your budget.
I would recommend a "tower" speaker since your room is large enough which enables you to avoid the cost of speaker stands. The Silverline Prelude Plus would be my first choice, with some patience a used pair will pop up. JBL has the Studio 580/590 that can often be found on discount. Both speaker options(Prelude/580/590} should give you enough $$$ left over to purchase an entry level NAD/Onkyo/Yamaha cd player. If you must have vinyl the Onkyo CP-1050 is IMO the best budget table out there. Don't forget about cables!!! Signal Cable would be a great affordable starting point.
Based on your budget & listening preferences I would check out this pair of refurbished Infinity RS 2.5's, asking $1995. They have Graz emims, new Watkins dual voice coil woofers, refurbed crossovers, binding posts, re-done cabinets. They should sound great, *but* the Infinitys like a LOT of power & your Nad amp isn't going to cut it. Think atleast 200 watts & plenty of current to drive the 2.5's - http://www.usaudiomart.com/details/649143551-infinity-rs-25/

If you were going down this route, I would consider looking for a good 2nd hand factory-refurbed Threshold S500 Mk2 amp with optical bias & Audio Research SP11 Mk2 preamp. Those 3 components would be an awesome combo!