Why So Many Raidho Speaker For Sale?

If Raidho speakers are so great, why are there so many pairs for sale here?  These are not inexpensive speakers by any means and it seems at least every other day there is a pair for sale with some people having them only a few weeks to a few months, and they are really taking a bath on them.  What gives?  Are they not as great as they are made to be?  Is Jonathan Valin a shill for the company?

I heard the 4.1 diamond at Blink High End north of Boston and was very unimpressed.  I have heard many other highly regarded speakers for much less money sounding wonderful.  So, what gives?

When people would have had more knowledge and insight they would never bought them. During different shows we visited we heard the saturation of the tweeter. Beside this they can create stage depth and width. There are enough who are a lot better in this part.

A dealer overhere who sells them is the person who also is the distributer. He buys them for 3.0. So he has a lot of % to give a discount. Even for this money they are still rather expensive.

The other drivers also often showed difficulties during shows. It is a pitty that the knowlegde and insight of people who work in audio is limited these days. This also works negative on consumers. Raidho is only one example of that, because there are many others.

You need to understand that the problems start at the magazines. These days many people buy speakers based on reviews. Many reviews are paid these days, the text you read it often not the truth.

That is why I always ask to my clients: What do you want to hear? The truth or the thing you would like to hear.....
When a speaker is being seen a lot on the internet for sale there is a reason for sure? When people are not convinced or happy they will sell it. This is how the world of audio works.

At many shows we found the speakers often rather stressed in sound. I think this can be a reason why you find them a lot used on the internet.

bo 1972,

That is the best explanation I have heard yet and one that I can completely agree with.  I find the same goes for Solution and CH amplifiers.  I see a lot for sale on Audiogon and most people never heard of them until Jonathan Valin and Robert Harley started singing praise in TAS.  So, whatever happened to Technical Brain that Valin swore by?  Not even in their recommended list anymore.

I will be there soon. I can promise I will change the Audio world for many people. I will give many people a superior level in sound than what is possible at this moment.

I will share my knowledge so many people can listen music to a new level.  I can connect the music with people.

We are now busy with our new website. I will be a new level in sound&vision what is not there in the world yet. We will also make a professional webblog.

With our Statement Audio Pro measurement it will be so much easier for many people to create a stunning level in sound at any place regarding the acoustics.

In almost 2 years of time we have done so much research that we can outperform any company in audio regardless price. And we will proof it with sound. Sound tells the truth.

Each single person will choose for the sound what has the highest level of emotion and intensity. That is why we sell a sound instead of products. Tru-Fi is what we create. Each set created by Tru-Fi will outperform any set created by the silly way of trial and error. This is based on the fact that the level of emotion and diversity is of a much higher level.

Supremacy overrules everything