GARY BEDINI and JOHN BEDINI have passed on 11-6-16

My friends Gary and John Bedini have passed .......They will be missed by the people who knew them and worked with them........Gary died on Sunday 11-6-16 and John Bedini died a few hours later........The service will be in Hayden, Idaho on 11-11-16             autospec
Sad news. I had several of John Bedini's products back in the day (6677 preamp, 100/100 1 Meg amp) and still have one of his 200 wpc diode-emitter amps in a closet waiting for the right project.

Lots of controversy about his later "free energy" claims later in his career but the man could really design an amplifier. I remember at an early Chicago CES he was demonstrating one of his amps by arc-welding with the output!

I go by Hayden ID several times a year and always meant to stop in and introduce myself. Sadly, I waited too long. I didn't know John had a twin brother. I hope they both rest in peace.

Gary was four years younger than John Bedini.....They were not twins but worked together their whole lives........The service was quite nice.....Autospec