Cartridge recommendations

Just had an unfortunate accident. While putting my Shelter 501 mk 11 cartridge on a new Audiomods arm, one of the electrodes on the cartridge snapped off. Almost impossible to repair.

I've been very happy with that cartridge. Bought it second hand for $500  
off Audiogon seven yrs ago, still going strong. Can't afford a new one, but if anyone has a used one in good condition, I'd buy it. Or are there any comparably good sounding carts people would like to recommend?
What is the difference in sound between the Denon 103 and the Denon 103R??  Is it the type of stylus shape?? or better sound quality. Th Denon's MC's  also have notoriously low output... like .030.

Even the DL-110 MM  is only 2.0 mV which is low compared to Ortofon cartridges and some other MM's  What about the Nagota cartridges from Japan, like the MP-150 which gets very good reviews   
It's pretty funny when people suggest something they have probably never owned based on review online @sunnyjim 

DL-103 has conical tip, people love it or hate it, to my ears conical tip is the worst ever and it will be the worst choice for people who love extended and detailed sounds. Reviewers will tell you the conical Ortofon SPU is very musical cartridge, but in reality (at least for me, in tube high efficiency system) it is dull and uninvolving with lack of details on both ends. This is total oldschool. It is in the same caregory as cheaper DL-103. So many cartridges does it much better and so many vintage MM carts sounds incredibly good for the same price as conical DL-103 or elliptical 103R. People invest in mods of 103, but for the cost of this mods they could buy much better cartridges without any mods required. I just don't understand it. Denon S1 or DL1000 were the best Denon cartridges this company ever made, not the 103 or 301 series. 
To Chakster:  I did not ask my question to be insulted as indicated by your opening remark to my query  

Don't show off your knowledge of a product at my expense or  any another members of this site. It is bad manners and discourteous......Sunnyjim