power conditioner

How important is power conditioner for musical system . Does it really  improve sound quality if the outlet AC power is adequate enough?

 I did not have any real complaints about the Furman other than I thought it should have helped protect against the hum. I actually thought something was wrong with my preamp and ended up sending it back to Audio Research. It was only when my dealer loaner (also ARC) did the same thing made me investigate deeper. But it also made me wonder what other things the Furman did not help protect against.

 I can not hazard a guess on how the PS Audio would compare. It was a while ago and my system has changed quite a bit. I was happy with it until I upgraded my CD player to one with a lot more tubes. Then it couldn't put out enough power and would kick off. 

 I would expect a huge difference between the sound of the Furman and the Shunyata Triton. The Triton retailed for $5000. while the Furman Elite 15 PFI lists for around $700. I think a far more fair and interesting comparison would be against the Shunyata Venom conditioner.

 But this is only my experiences in my system. I imagine power like everything else is very system dependent. So the conditioner that works best for me may not sound the best in another system. 


I can understand your confusion. Unfortunately almost NO power conditioner helps ground hum. Please see my blog here:


Furman makes an excellent product, and protects better than most surge protectors, and I do find they make modest improvements in sound quality. Please do not be discouraged if it did not remove hum.


Ronkent,  I tried a lot of there PC....including there---ultimate outlets--humbustres III------ two of there regenerators the last one being the premier----  which my friend sold for me n he told the gentleman it may not help.....but the guy said he wanted 2 try it anyway so my friend asked him 2 let him know if it worked in his home......when the guy got back 2 him he told him it did nothing for his ac problem......I still have the 2 humbusters III......I have moved 2 a new apartment 220 miles away n awhile ago I hooked the up in my new place n new system.....they did what they always did nothing except make the music sound dead.....I also had n still do quite a few of there power cords.....n they never did anything for me n I have had a lot of different high end equipment.....so bottom line is I do not even think about them when it comes 2 Power Conditioners or cords 
oleschool: "jmho this 2k plus range is where the real changes in conditiong etc are taking place upwards to 4k for regenerative power .."


I started my AC enhancement trials after the installation of dedicated 30 amp power lines with a Furman IT-Reference 20i ($3500), their TOTL conditioner then and now. Very well-built unit, but impact on sound was minimal, er, I mean "modest". I compared it to my ancient Chang Lightspeed CLS-6600ISO conditioner and the Chang was better, but still "modest". Sold the Furman and moved to a SR Powercell 10 Mk II and the improvement was like in the Wizard of Oz when it changes from B&W to color. Sold that one off in a period of financial hardship and went back to the Chang. The magic was gone but I adjusted over time (ie didn’t listen much and got hooked on vintage systems for a while). Years passed. Recently bought a pre-owned Powercell 10 UEF/FEQ ($2500-$3K for a pristine used unit including a TOTL SR power cord and FEQ unit) and the improvement in sound is transformational.

I would like to know if any of the owners of budget passive power conditioners have tried a reputable-brand, equivalent-cost power cord on their digital source instead of their current/previous power conditioner? If so, what power cord and what were your impressions of the relative effect of each on the sound of your system?

Best to all,
I had Furman n they were good.....but that was before they sold the company.....my friend didn't want 2 buy mine so he bought a new one.....this was after Furman sold....bought it at B&H Photo around were we both worked.....he didn't like it plus it hummed so he returned it n bought mine.....he like n kept it.....all I said 2 him was.....I told you.....this was back before 2009....good luck everyone.