Integrated Amplifier for Monitor Audio Silver S2 Speakers

Hello to everyone.
I have very modest system and just recently I purchased Monitor Audio Silver S2 speakers.
So far I am using NAD C356, lots of bass but of course not so much details. My room is 17'x13'x9'.
I am listening everything, from uptempo jazz to old disco music. My budget is $2000-$2500.
Thanks in advance on your opinions

I've listened Accuphase in my apartment with my modest set up (OPPO 103 as a source). Signal Cable (all cables). My friend also brought his
Cardas cables but the difference wasn't like a day or night. All in all, I clearly heard a lot more details. Of course not even close like with his set up: Accuphase E-370; Monitor Audio Platinum PL300 speakers and Luxman CD Player.
viridian +2

@djengan, in your budget I would also check out the Arcam FMJ 39 and the Parsound Halo Int. Good luck with your search.


A Sugden A21 should give you everything you want and sound better than most solid state. I was really impressed. 
Get yourself a Parasound Halo Integrated.  It has plenty of power, has a great built in dac, has tone controls, 160wpc, phono input, balanced inputs and outputs and sounds wonderful.  I replaced a Rogue Cronus Magnum Integrated with this and couldn't be happier.