List of albums that will still be popular 50 years from now...

We all know that classical music will still be on demand 50 years from now, but what about pop music that will still be on demand?
I'd like to list few titles and the rest leave to the contributors!

1. Henry Mancini "Pink Panther" as the best score he's ever wrote
2. Sesame Street "Born To Add"
3. Believe it or not, Michael Jackson's "Thriller" will still be there and hot!
4. Miles Davis "Kind of Blue
5. Dave Brubeck "Time Out"
Miles Davis’s music cannot be called popular music. Or John McLaughlin’s.
Pink Floyd - Dark Side Of The Moon
Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here
Pink Floyd - The Wall
Deep Purple - Machine Head
Elvis Presley - various songs
Not sure about anything else.
czarivey - Take a look at today’s most popular albums that date from 50 years ago and I’m guessing at least 1/2 of those (probably more) will still be popular another 50 years down the road.

Thank for really good way to figure that out...
Perhaps therefore I've mentioned Henry Mancini "Pink Panther".
Not sure if Kenny Rogers albums will be popular 50 years from now, although he's been released all over...
There are chances that Petula Clark will still be rockin on players, but less-likely Dorris Day except perhaps "Dorris Day Christmass Album".

Miles Davis "Kind Of Blue" is popular album of Miles Davis despite being jazz. 
@ghosthouse :   What about the tunes popular TODAY???!!! Yours is an answer of a scientist (whatdoweknow now), not an artist/dreamer (thatshowIseethefuture), you are my man!!! Point of constant/newer-ending arguments in my family: me a scientist,  my wife an artist ( ;-)  
Once todays trend of "total immersion" (sound/smell/emotions) will be achieved, who would go with "just music"? If you have your pleasure neurons caressed by 2066 reincarnation of Justin Bieber (I am being politically correct to Obama/gay thing movement here), then who would downgrade to "just music"?  Its like reading books nowadays, who does That!!??

I just hope the vastly over-rated Sgt. Pepper album will be forgotten, and the justifiably highly-rated Pet Sounds will endure with current and future listeners.