Just looking to stream only

I don't want to download material or rip my cd collection. I have been told that the best streamers for the money are Linn. I just want to stream music only. When I ask why Linn are the best I am told they have been doing it the longest and really have it down. I am looking at the Majic Ds unit. Does anyone have experience with this unit or Linn streamers in general.
Like the specs on the 851n but since I have a higher end Bricasti Dac I think I will opt for the new Auralic Streamer which has no dac and is a few hundred cheaper ..

hi I have a non modified Sonos connect attached to a yggy Schiit DAC and a Primaluna dialog hp.

Do you think the upgrade to the Sonos is worthwhile or would you go with a Aurender or Lin unit?  

I have a Linn Majik DS-I (an integrated amp with streaming vs streamer only) and also a Squeezebox Touch.  The Linn sounds really good and has the advantage of Space optimization, which is Linn's room correction software. 

I think the control software is a big part of how well a streamer works for you.  If you are streaming only (as opposed to ripping your cd collection) you want to make sure the device you choose supports the streaming service you want to use. I think Linn has integrated Tidal but I'm not sure about other streaming services. You might want to spend some time on Linn's discussion forum to get a sense of what services are supported.

The Squeezebox Touch is simple to use and easy to set up, but it's not in the same league as the Linn for sound quality, at least without an external DAC.  The Squeezebox forums are a good resource to learn what streaming services are supported.  It's also certainly a less expensive way to dip you toes in the water.

Good luck.