Those are very good recommendations Eric; I've looked at what a number of those people have to offer, and it's all good. Going with someone who has all the test equipment, expertise, and cabinet making facility's is the best way to go.
Parts Express is fine for putting a speaker together for bedroom, or entertainment room, but not for your A-1 rig.
I agree with your post Dave; once you get it together, it's about fine tuning. I have a right channel problem; the right side of the sound stage is emphasized. It took me two years to determine that it had nothing to do with the rig, it's the room. I know it's better to correct that, than simply turn up the left channel in order to compensate.
In regard to which is most important; source, or speakers; the source is most important. Some will say that 60% say speakers, therefore they must be right; I say that means 60% of the people are wrong.
That can only be right if you prefer to listen to the speakers as opposed to the music. It's very hard to help anyone in regard to speakers; all I can add to that is there are many different sounds within "Stereophile's" rating system, and if you're a serious music lover, and listener, you have to rely on some "high end review". I've been told that some of the best speakers are affordable, so that's no longer a major problem.
I hope I've responded to everyone's posts.
Enjoy the music.