Hi o,
My recent experiments with vibration control/dissipation have been a real eye opener. In retrospect, I realize that I have seriously neglected investing time and money into this important aspect of our hobby/obsession, feeling (in ignorance) that heavy, rigid, mass-filled equipment stands firmly spiked to the floor along with a massive sand-filled platform underneath my turntable was "good enough".
I am far from "optimizing" system-wide vibration control, but far enough into it that I am convinced that many of the perceived sonic shortfalls of our existing equipment can be largely ,alleviated, or at least audibly reduced, by addressing the vibrations inherent in our components, our rooms, and our listening environment.
http://www.stereophile.com/reference/52/index.html#7gKzV9vFIbL28AQH.97 I have invested less than $1k in vibration control products thus far and the positive effect is more pronounced than any $1k I have spent on anything in audio (other than room acoustical treatments and music). Significant gains in fidelity can be made for the price of a cheeseburger once you understand what does what.
BTW - this is an area where the source is the highest priority.
Best to you o,