Why So Many Raidho Speaker For Sale?

If Raidho speakers are so great, why are there so many pairs for sale here?  These are not inexpensive speakers by any means and it seems at least every other day there is a pair for sale with some people having them only a few weeks to a few months, and they are really taking a bath on them.  What gives?  Are they not as great as they are made to be?  Is Jonathan Valin a shill for the company?

I heard the 4.1 diamond at Blink High End north of Boston and was very unimpressed.  I have heard many other highly regarded speakers for much less money sounding wonderful.  So, what gives?

Suppose it's time to stop following this thread, as it has now been fully hijacked with self-promotion. FWIW, though I have not heard the new Monitor Audio speakers, I have much experience with Heil-based AMT tweeters, used in ADAM speakers in my studio setup. They are quite good, very honest and detailed without sounding harsh, but IMHO don't present the delicacy, air, sweetness and dimensionality I hear in the Raidho tweeter.  I suppose we all hear differently, and this being a hobby for enjoyment, we should all listen for ourselves and decide what sounds best to us, in our room, and what we are willing to pay, for what are sometimes small yet important improvements.

Radios aren't for everyone, and require a certain setup to sound their best. If your room requires a near field setup, they excel. Many of us buy used and if we aren't fully satisfied, or later find something we like better, and have some extra disposable income, we sell what we've got at a loss and upgrade. Sometimes we get lucky and sometimes not. I feel lucky to have found Raidhos. They work for me and are worth the price of admission (used). Are the D2s my last speaker? Who knows. But they sound better, to me, in my room than the YGs they replaced, and better than my previous Peak Consult, Piega, Genesis or Selah line arrays.

Every speaker, and every component, has trade-offs. For example, I can live with a rising top (I'm getting older and my hearing there is diminishing) but could never live with over-ripe mid bass. To each their own. We can benefit from each other's experiences, on forums such as these, but we can't hear for each other...
The limitation in audio is that when you create a system by trial and error you still don’t know why the stage and sound is what you hear.

Audio is all about properties and understanding why the sound and stage is what you hear.

This makes it possible to control it a lot better. When you don’t spend time in reserach in properties, human hearing, human emotions, electricity, magnetism, smog and the acoustic it is not possible to understand and control it.

The acoustics has by far the biggest influence on each audio system. That is why we have spend by far the most time in reseach of the acoustics.

We understand that Tru-Fi is totally different than the trial and error way of creating an audio system. But trial and error has proven that for many people it never will work.

I have spoken to many people who are in audio for a long time. I was surprised how many were not that happy with their set. I was also surprised how many people had not bought music for a long time.

You can never become happy with any set without music.

I can tell ya that Bo and Ebm are my all time favorite posters period just by looking to the number of lines they post. Thank you for great work!


Thanks for totally hijacking my thread even though I asked you nicely to stop.  This is now way off topic.  Why don't you start your own thread?

Please go promote yourself elsewhere in your own thread.  FWIW, I could care less about your thoughts on Audioquest or Nordost.  This was a thread about Raidho speakers and why there seemed to be a lot for sale used.  Your on and on dribble has totally worn me out.