Best sounding turntable and cartridge for $1100

I have seen a lot of turntable and cartridges packages in  $1000- $1100, such as the Project RPM3 with the Sumiko BP-2 MC.   Project Xperience 1 with a Sumiko Pearl MM;  Rega Planar 3 with a Elys II cartridge. 

 I have formerly owned a Rega 3-24 with Elys II  and a Project Carbon DC with Ortofon 2M Red (which I did not like at all) . Would like to try something different, but can live with the above brands depending on their overall performance 

Need recommendations for turntable/cartridge new or used combo that punches far above its price of  $1100.  Thank you


I ran a VPI Scout for many years with an AT OC9MLII. You can probably find a used Scout for $1K and a used AT OC9 for $200. I thought the combination was awesome for the money.

To dodgealum  Thank you for your recommendation  

I have read many positve testimonials about AT OC9MLII cartridge. I know it is expensive  Let me ask you:   Is there a replacement stylus for it that does not cost as much as a airline ticket?? Also, would this cartridge work well with the latest and last VPI Traveler table .(So far no luck scoring a VPI Scout or even VPI 1.1.  

NOTE: My thread has gone no where. Maybe I worded  it wrong and therefore did  get many responses

So let me list the following tables: that are in the $1000-1100

1)  Music Hall MMF 5.3 table with an Ortofon 2M Blue; retail $995.00  ( owned this cartridge before; but not impressed; also amplifies surface noise)

2)  Project "new" Classic table (w/ carbon fiber arm) with an Ortofon 2M Silver;  retail $1099 ( cartridge designed specially for Project )

3)  Project RPM 3 with Sumiko BP-2 HO moving coil and ( 9cc carbon arm)  retail $999

4) SOTA  Moonbeam III retail $850 + $236 2M Blue cart =  $1086 retail 

5) Music Hall "Ikura" TT with Ortofon 2M Blue.... retail $1195  (makes not sense how this model fits into their line Could be just a marginal step-up from their MMF 5.3

****SOTA offers a few cartridgesl like the 2MBlue which they will mount and calibrate for free if bought directly from  them.  Note the tonearm is a Rega 220 built for them, but looks like junk. Has no dustover; Has adjustable flimy looking support feet

BTW, the above  Project "New" Classic TT noted above is sold (only) through Audio Advisor...notorious only for 5%-10% discounts.


    Any comments or recommendations  will be greatly appreciated!!!!

   Thanks to all   SJ

You say you no likey Ortofon Blue yet inc it in options.
Get a Rega Planer 3 with Elys fitted hifi heaven $1145

Edit ... you already had a 24. Um... see my first comment at the top.
Ah, noromance. It is not my fault that the choices I listed are prepackage the Ortofon 2M Blue cartridge.  It is even worst that VPI has prepacked the Ortofon 2M Red  with  Traveler and Scout II  or did a few years ago. Does that make any sense??  Not to me.
Also, lay off the "you no likey Ortofon Blue" schtick

BTW, why should I buy a Rega P-3 with the Elys II, when I can buy a used Rega RP6 with the same Elys II.   It is a better table, and even if the new P-3 is close in performance, the used RP-6 is $200 less and the selling price could be probably negotiated down another $100 . 
The same reason I could by a 2 year old Mercedes E350 for $26k or a new Nissan Sentra for the same money.