This statement is false.
It is not false at all!
"It used to be a sign of superior good taste to diss class D. Today it's become a surefire tell of sad ignorance."
Anyone who degrades class D as a whole is clearly ignorant about the technology or has comercial interests against it. As with any other topology, making a generalization about sound performance is an error.
Just because you heard a class D amp sound better than a tube amp in a particular situation does not mean that all class D amps sound better than all tube amps, or even that the particular class D amp sounds better than all tube amps. It just means that in that situation you heard something better that you liked between the two involved.
Who said that? That statement is completely erroneous, in fact is the complete oposite of what I clearly stated above:
I said: "I have experience with many amplifying topologies (meaning class A, A/B, D, H), and I have found good and bad examples in each".
Who makes the latest generation of Class-D? The best class-d I heard, Hypex has been on the market for a long time. I wonder how good the latest generation class-D is compared to Hypex.
Hypex latest generation is Ncore which has several years in the market. Anaview and Pascal also have very good designs, that when correctly implemented provide similar or in some cases even better performance than Ncore.
And as I said, not everything is the class D module in the design. The input buffer, for example, is a critical part that can completely alter the character of the amplifier. There's been greater progress in this matter, than in the output modules themselves.