No I’ve never heard one. How does Class "D" compare to SS? I’m a tube guy who has not heard the very best SS amps
We, most are all in agreement that Class D is great in the bass. To me where they differ mainly is in the upper mids and highs, some saying there’s hardness up there, and others saying there’s missing information that causes larger then usual gaps between notes creating the "illusion" of a blacker background. I call it an opaqueness.
The different sound of Class-D especially in the upper mids/highs, comes down to how close to the audio band the mandatory output filter on all Class-D’s is bought down to get rid of the class d’s massive amount of VHF switching noise.
If bought down low to erase most of the switching noise, this intrudes into the upper frequencies of the audio band. Which makes it very smooth but robs most of the harmonic structure of the mids and highs, this "could" be compared to tube or class A s/s smoothness.
If it’s not bought down to low it lets quite a bit of VHF switching noise through, this maintains the harmonic structure of the mids and highs but also adds a certain hardness to the sound of class-D
To me the only way to cure this comes in future semiconductor component development, which will allow the switch frequency to be set 5 x higher, so the the output filter can be set much higher as well so then do it’s job properly to get rid of all the switching noise without effecting any of the audio band at all. Then they’ll also be able to drive full current even down to 1ohm from 20hz to 20khz, instead of today falling off a cliff below 4ohms.
Technics have a >$30k amp the they developed with their own components to get the switch noise up 2 x as high as anyone one else, a step in the right direction, but it needs to be higher again 5 x the norm today. They still do not include a 2ohm wattage figure in their specs, as it would still show limitations. When that day comes we’ll all be using them and our heavy, hungry, hot tubes and SS, will become boat anchors.
Cheers George