Building second system around Harbeth P3 esr

I bought the P3's a couple of months ago. I should have some cash soon to go forward with this system. My thoughts are the Croft Phono Integrated. Please share your thoughts on not only the amp choice, but what this systems strengths might be. I just want to listen at low to moderate levels, and be engaged. I wish they were more efficient, which is why I'm thinking Croft, which has a tubed stage, and SS amp.

Thanks yogiboy- That should give me quite a few options. I want something that will shine with that Harbeth midrange. Not that I don't want an even handed cartridge, but here, it's about the mids.
(((Plus, having Followed A’gon, and other forum comments about the P3’s, I’m not so sure a 35-40 watt tube amp is the answer. I would imagine this being less true as you go further up the Harbeth line.))))

 I loves tube amps also, P 3s nice little speakers but you will find tube amps not at their best with them.
 The SS Belles Aria will drive the load and sound big doing it as well as many other ss designs mentioned above.
 Cheers JohnnyR
I think at this level there are always trade offs. For instance, I heard the exposure (2010) has better bass than the Croft, in to the P3’s. However, the Croft had a bit more tube magic. That was simply one persons opinion, but it stands to reason. Johnny R- It’s a nice little amp, and my guess is that MM phono is hard to beat for the money. Like yogi said above, 1.5mv or above, and you have a nice little setup. I’m sure you’re making them sing as well. You certainly have world class sounds in that shop of yours. Always loved that Quicksilver & Vandersteen combo. Cheers -Don

" I loves tube amps also, P 3s nice little speakers but you will find tube amps not at their best with them." Thats’s pure Hogwash !