Also what is the math relationship between bandwidth and phase shift? Where does 10X bandwith number come from? is there something akin to Nyquist that is used to determine this? Did the engineers making high end Class D amps miss the boat on this somehow? it does not sound like they did in practice based on listening, at least the good ones seem to know what they are doing.
From my perspective there is understanding the theory which is useful and how things sound, for which there is no mathematical equation to properly represent that. Pundits focus on the strengths of a supporting theory and skeptics the weaknesses. No approach is perfect and holds all the cards. That’s clear by the variety of successful amplifier designs out there today.
Ralph sounds like you are actively prototyping your own class D designs? that tells me you think there is in fact something worthwhile there if done right.
From my perspective there is understanding the theory which is useful and how things sound, for which there is no mathematical equation to properly represent that. Pundits focus on the strengths of a supporting theory and skeptics the weaknesses. No approach is perfect and holds all the cards. That’s clear by the variety of successful amplifier designs out there today.
Ralph sounds like you are actively prototyping your own class D designs? that tells me you think there is in fact something worthwhile there if done right.