Need recommendation for a CD player

Please recommend a CD player for me. Audio only, 2.1 system. I have a Parasound P5 pre with a Parasound 21 amp, Snell A2 speakers, a Snell 550 sub with its own amp, a Snell SPA 200 and good cables. Thanks for your thoughts
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you have some very good options here. There has never been a better time to get into CD or SACD, IMO.

Happy Listening!
Which would you give the nod to between (a) Modwright Sony DVP-NS999ES and (b) a new (but not modded) Marantz SA8500, each at the same price of $1,000?
No contest if the sound quality is your primary criteria, ericruff. Since MW uses the same base power supply type, similar tube circuitry, and vibration-reduction modifications an all of their players, any properly-functioning MW player will soundly trounce any under $5k OEM stock digital player out there musically, and hold its own with most any of them regardless of price.

The Marantz has more flexibility (important if you need a good DAC for playing Hi-Rez or other downloaded media) and is new, thus should be less prone to need repair (Sony’s have occasional issues with the optical drive which can be bought new for $50). If those criteria are your priority, then go with the Marantz for now and have it ModWrighted when funds are available.

If you are all about musical reproduction quality, have a large SACD or CD collection, are not completely risk-adverse, and plan to use your player solely for playing discs, the MW 999ES is clearly the better choice IMO.

Best to you ericruff,