Help Choosing Speakers

I am looking to find a nice pair of speakers that will work well in a relatively small dedicated listening room. My setup is 100% analog, tube amp, turntable, phono pre. I am trying to keep a minimalist approach.

Turntable: Thorens TD-150
Phono Pre: AudioResearch PH3
Amp: Decware MiniTorii
Speakers: DIY MarkAudio A12P in SuperPensil

Room Dimensions: 11' W x 12' 4" L x 10' H

So far I have been looking around at a lot of options and while I don't want to limit myself to 94 dB+ efficient speakers. I would like to be able to keep my Decware MiniTorii in place if possible.

LegacyAudio Signature SE is top on my list, little bit more than I wanted to spend, but this is a lifetime purchase. I have also looked at SalkSound Veracity ST but I am concerned about the Decware amps being able to push those. I have also looked at the Decware HR-1s which look impressive.

Of course its difficult to buy speakers without hearing them, any other recommendations/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Also if anyone has heard the Legacy Audio Signatures with a Decware amplifier and has any details, that would be spectacular.



@gdnrbob yes, definitely worth a listen. It is worth mentioning they're very sensitive to listening position. For example, 1' from the wall and they sound flat. 1.5' and they have such an amazing soundstage that I would put up against speakers much higher in cost.

@nakamaye thanks for the input, I will check out that amp. Going to be a journey for sure. Looking forward to it!

I've been primarily using an Adcom GFA 555, and the sound and sound- stage are excellent. I've also used a Carver CM-2002, and I've played with a little APPJ 64N with surprising results. These speakers are so efficient they will work well with most anything. After playing briefly with the APPJ, I decided I like the tube sound so much, I've got a Primaluna Prologue One tube amp coming. These speakers should be an excellent match for tube amplification. 

@wester17 Nelson Pass's Adcom GFA-555 is great indeed. I am a convert to tubes, and while the Ayre AX7 I am testing sounds great, I want to get a tube amp with some more power.

I have had a conversation with Steve over at Decware and I am leaning towards the Torii Jr.

Let me know how you like the Primaluna!

Spent a bit of time with the Spatials. The highs are not mellowing out as much as I would like right now. Very forward, still sounds great, just not sure its something I want to commit to yet. I have tried it with Tube and SS amps, the Tube amp is by far the better choice.

I have 30 more days in the trial left to make up my mind. If I decide to send them back I will be looking at the 1Ci's or the Decware ERRx speakers. The Decware ERRx speakers, being radials, would be less in your face, which might be ideal of my room.
Ron,If you want tubes, have you considered Atma-Sphere?
A quick Google shows the Decware speakers priced at $2,500, the Vandy's are half that price. If the Vandy's win then they really are 'Dragon slayers'. Like the Spatial's, the design of the Decware's is interesting. Let us know what you hear. Thanks for the info on the Spatial's.