Looking for recommendations - vintage amp & preamp to go with Ohm Walsh 2's

After 20+ years of not owning anything that qualifies as being beyond being an entry level "home theatre in a box", I'm going to go back to my 80's roots in "hi-fi" I have picked up a pair of Ohm Walsh 2's in very good condition, and now am looking for an amp, preamp. I think I need a reasonable amount of power as from what I understand, the Walsh isn't the most efficient speaker.

I'm wanting to start out with something that's better than I have now (LOL... which is nothing) Found a Carver TFM-25 Paired with CT-17 Preamp, which seems like a descent deal just under $400 for starting out, Would expect that should be a fairly good combination based purely on specs on paper.

Eventuality is to upgrade the drivers in the Ohm's with the Super Walsh 2.2, and then start looking at upgrading the amp & preamp.

Seem like a good plan to start? Would be interested to hear options/opinions for amp & preamp based on the speaker set up. Wanting to keep to the vintage 80's equipment.

Cd how big of a room, what kind of music do you listen to and how loud?

Also cd or records for source and what do you have currently there?
The room for now is a bit of an odd size, 10' x 20' with 7' ceiling, so about 1400 cubic feet, carpeted floor. Potential in a year or two for a home reno, at which point I will have a dedicated listening room roughly the same 10' x 20, but 10' ceiling. Hence, the plan for listening now, and renew in a couple years

Most of the listening I'll be doing with these will be jazz, blues, some classical. Rock wise, Pink Floyd, and similar types Alan Parsons, so on.  From what I understand, they not a heavy rock type speaker. I'm after imaging, clear sound at medium volume.

Source will be CD for the foreseeable future.