Ayre V-Kxe and Thiel 2.4s

Anyone heard this combo?

I've been waiting for an appropriately priced Pass Labs 250.5 to pop up, but the wait has made me consider some other alternatives. In my conversations with Pass, they've steered me away from lower power options (e.g., the 150.5), so I'm concerned that the V-Kxe won't have enough power to really push the Thiels. However in reading over the positive Stereophile review of the 2.4s, I think much of the listening was done on the this amp. It does save me quite a bit of cash over the Pass 250.5 though.

Any opinions are welcome (along with other amp suggestions). Thanks folks.
Thanks for the update. I'm not at all surprised that the combination of the 30 and Thiel subs provided the most satisfaction. Enjoy!
Looking for an update- All

anyone using an Ayre amp w/ Thiel loudspeakers?

I heard the Ayre MX-R monos/KX-R pre/Ayre TT/Ayre phono with what I think were 2.4s (definitely the Thiels were pre-3.7 and of medium size) in the Ayre room at RMAF 2010 (Michael Fremer was in the room tying up all of the attention from the Ayre folks, so I could not speak with them and soon left), but I do know they were using Cardas cables which I detest excepting their phono wire, and I thought the sound was, uh, unspectacular. Very buttoned down sounding. Not at all the lively and dynamic sound I get from my 5i’s with Krell or Classe’ and my K-1xe. I am confident that it was not the Thiels nor the KX-R preamp, so either the turntable/cartridge, the amps, the room, or the cables were holding it back. Fremer was gushing about how great it sounded...

I speculate that the older V-1xe stereo amp would be a good choice ( affordable used and resells quickly) for your 2.4s if you wanna go Ayre. You know that I like the great older SS amps with Thiels, so YMMV.

Best to you jafant,

TY- Dave-

to my ears, Cardas cabling is rolled off. This could have been the culprit along w/ MF.

Happy Listening!
Hi jafant,

I thought about this some more and I want to be sure that I do not put you off on Ayre equipment. As you know, I have a K-1xe preamp with phono and a CX-7eMP CDP. I have heard different models of their products, both up and down the scale from my models within the Ayre line and also several of their amps. I have not heard the new "Twenty" line.

Ayre equipment is best described as neutral. Not the "neutral" that some reviewers use as a cop-out descriptive for subpar equipment that is overly lean or lacking in natural harmonics and richness. I mean neutral as in: it is neither additive nor subtractive.

Check me on this: Pick any piece of Ayre equipment, old or new. Find two or three reviews on that piece from Stereophile, TAS, Soundstage, etc. I defy you to find one article where there is any criticism regarding tonal colorations, excessive sibilance or lack or openness, dullness, brightness, excessive bloat or lack of definition , issues with bass control, or less than spectacular imaging and soundstage depth/width.

What you will find on occasion is that the reviewer will say he preferred the sound of another great component from another top brand because he valued a specific strength of the competitor’s unit in one attribute at the expense of another vs the Ayre, or he preferred a coloration (deviation from neutral) in the sound of the other brand of component vs the neutrality of the Ayre.

Best to you jafant,