Hi jafant,
I thought about this some more and I want to be sure that I do not put you off on Ayre equipment. As you know, I have a K-1xe preamp with phono and a CX-7eMP CDP. I have heard different models of their products, both up and down the scale from my models within the Ayre line and also several of their amps. I have not heard the new "Twenty" line.
Ayre equipment is best described as neutral. Not the "neutral" that some reviewers use as a cop-out descriptive for subpar equipment that is overly lean or lacking in natural harmonics and richness. I mean neutral as in: it is neither additive nor subtractive.
Check me on this: Pick any piece of Ayre equipment, old or new. Find two or three reviews on that piece from Stereophile, TAS, Soundstage, etc. I defy you to find one article where there is any criticism regarding tonal colorations, excessive sibilance or lack or openness, dullness, brightness, excessive bloat or lack of definition , issues with bass control, or less than spectacular imaging and soundstage depth/width.
What you will find on occasion is that the reviewer will say he preferred the sound of another great component from another top brand because he valued a specific strength of the competitor’s unit in one attribute at the expense of another vs the Ayre, or he preferred a coloration (deviation from neutral) in the sound of the other brand of component vs the neutrality of the Ayre.
Best to you jafant,