Tom - just replied to your direct mailing, but here's some additional stuff...
Try downloading the Bluesound Controller App to your computer - that may get you into your Shares - it worked well on both my iMad (oops Freudian slip maybe :-) and Windows computers
Go to the Bluesound site and under Support - open a ticket - they are very responsive and helpful.
Once tech support figures out the issue you will be very pleased with Bluesound - it is extremely robust. Sometimes it can be a little slow to play the first track, but that's my NAS drive waking up.
I found creating playlists to be a little 'cumbersome", in that some songs selected for the playlist seemed to disapear since I forgot to "save" it (i.e. it does not always promt to Save), but I consider that's part of the learning curve in a new piece of software. Having said that - other software (even iTunes) do a better job with drag and drop playlist creation/updating.
Is Bluesound perfect?
- I experienced dropouts playing 24/192, but that was on a day when both VOIP and a VPN was very active and the Node 2 was connected via wi-fi - I don't anticipate that issue once connected via Ethernet.
- The interface is different in operation from others I've used and there are issues with multiple album/song listings, but my library is a mess with multiple copies of some tracks, so I have to clean that up.
---- the good news is - it did not miss any songs.
- I've read posts that mention artwork being missing and I have encountered that - but as I said - my library is a mess, so I can see why that might happen - garbage-in garbage-out.
Now that I've been "re-trained" everything seems to work very well
That's about it