Please Recommend Audiophile Solo Piano Recordings

Looking for recommendations. Any genre is welcome as long as performance and audiophile quality are of the highest standard.

Thank you
The Stereophile recordings with Robert Silverman are all very well recorded. I'm not a huge fan of his playing style but the piano sounds very true to my ears. Another favorite for both sound and performance is Uchida's live Mozart recording from the early 90s--very creamy and realistic piano tone and phenomenal artistry. Simone Dinerstein's Goldbergs are pretty well done as well. And I second the Moravec Chopin which was released as a two CD set and sounds pretty darn good but the playing is superb.
Now that Herbie Hancock and Bill Evans got mentioned, let me add Keith Jarrett. Unusual and unique style, his "The Kohln Concert" (ECM 1064/65) was the recording of the month at Stereophile mag, and as any other ECM offering it is definitely "audiophile" quality!!! Obsessing with Audiophilia: Silverman at Stereophile label got mentioned, let me add Alan Gambel "Chopin and Liszt Piano Sonatas" on Mapleshade, CD 07382. I spent quite a few bucks on Mapleshade hardware after listening to their CDs! Unique sound, I daresay even better than Naim and Linn offerings.
My understanding is that you are trying to "voice" your rig. Thats how I do it also, on solo piano.
XRCDs beat SACDs in my room. Get "Emil Gilels - Beethoven: Sonaten" here:
or Richter here:
"Highest Standard of performance" is a bit too subjective: Richter playing makes me cry, Rubinstein or Horowitz kick me into a different realm. Check out "Steinway Legends" on Amazon and choose your poison! Downloadable at but usually its cheaper to buy off Amazon and rip.

Bulgarian Piano Blues - Milcho Leviev. 1990 M.A Recordings. plays a Boesendorfer Imperial 290.