Random thoughts from a sort of, kind of audiophile

Random thoughts from a sort of, kind of audiophile.

I've been involved in this hobby off and on for over 55 years having started off building a monaural Heathkit amp and "sweet sixteen" speaker when I was in high school. Since then I've been through so many iterations and combinations of gear I probably could not list them all but, until recently, pursued mostly solid state upstream components and planar speakers. Now it's tubes and dynamic speakers that I prefer but have no arguments supporting either technology over the other for anyone but myself. For those who consider themselves audiophiles in the truest or most understood sense of the word, please dismiss what I'm saying here as ramblings of someone who is somewhat envious of those with superior abilities and the means to "perfect" their listening experience.

I know the words but don't have a well developed understanding of the audio enthusiast's vocabulary and I'm not convinced that everyone using some of these terms uses them with the same meaning either. I'm reluctant, therefor to use them myself. Those that I do use, like timbre, graininess, muddy, thin, tight, etc probably mean pretty much the same to most in the hobby.

From what I've read here on Audiogon, there seems only a few of us that have the luxury of a purpose built listening room so room balancing can be a real challenge. I didn't realize how important this was until I incorporated electronic measuring and setup equipment, especially when I was using large electrostatic speakers. Partly because of this, I suppose, is the reason I enjoy, almost to the point of preference, the nearfield setup in my garage as much as I do. Also, because much of my listening is to solo guitar, a wide soundstage presentation seems not only unnecessary but even unrealistic. I do enjoy good headphones but, again, the soundstage issue pops up; it sounds to me like the sound is coming from inside my head instead of from a guitarist sitting across the room in front of me.

My hearing is not as accurate or with the range of youth as many others' and I've been impressed/amazed at claims made by some regarding sound quality associated with differences between various components and setups. I'm sure, for example, that there is a measurable sonic difference between various comparably constructed interconnects and speaker cables but at what level are they actually discernible by the average listener? Is there anyone who can actually hear the difference between a one meter interconnect compared to one that is two meters long? I doubt it. What about elevating speaker cables? The advantage of elevating cables seems, no offense, bordering on fantasy, understanding of course, that those who use them are probably in a situation of having already maximized everything else in their setup.

What about power supply? Again, I cannot tell the difference between plugging into any old household outlet and one that is stabilized. I do have completely dedicated power circuitry with power management myself but mostly for a little added protection and because it conveniently acts as a large multiple outlet power strip.

I can't give a good reason for this post; it doesn't help anyone except, I suppose, to let those in the same place I am to realize that they're not alone with these same issues. I realize, also, that these comments may have more to do with my own listening shortcomings and not meant to be judgmental of those who are not so burdened.

My current main system consists of the following:

Source - Apple TV - CAL Sigma DAC - Peachtree pre - Cary Audio Rocket 88R - Reference 2 Serie MMC speakers.
OR: Theta Basic CD transport - Theta Pro DAC - speakers as above......and it sounds really good.

Some pretty old stuff but, then, so am I.

Very much enjoyed this thread. I am 67, been interested in audio since my first exposure at 19. Buying music prior to that. I have hearing loss and tinnitus however it hasn't stifled my music enjoyment. 
Slaw, I think you hit on something. We all make buying decisions based on our personal hearing 'condition'. I have no problem with my personal buying decisions given my hearing condition, however others might 'listen' to my equipment recommendations with caution. Likely a ubiquitous issue in this hobby.
Slaw, Mesch

No not all buy on our own tastes. I use my ears like everyone. However I follow professional golden ears too. My logic is that although I am confident that I have good ears, I trust MORE the equipment used for 30+ years by a multitude of golden eared professionals.

Frankly, I would suggest that many here are trusting their eyes more than anything else! I suggest that 50% or more of purchase decisions are based on looks and anecdotal reports from other hobbyists and audio magazine rave reviews (hardly unbiased as they receive advertising dollars) and a lot of marketing material - so much so that not much weight in the final decision may actually come down to pure critical listening. It is so hard not to like something that you already are predisposed to like because of reviews and aesthetics. Some beautiful expensive looking gear is actually crap inside and some ugly cheap looking stuff can be extremely good, being made of only the highest quality components; Removal of feelings, emotions, hype and visual impressions from the buying equation is hard for us all!!!
Broadstone, you're opening post was a breath of fresh air...even if you may feel like a voice crying in the wilder mess. ;)  It all seems to boil down to whatever boats your float.  The pursuit of 'musicality', like many things, has an extremist wing...cost be damned, "I Know this will do (insert here)".

Not that all is pointless or subject to endless 'discussion' of the X vs. Y.  In the midst of it, Progress occurs.  Which is where we are Now from where we were, and the movement continues.  We don't know where the 'next leap forward' will come from.  When there's so many involved with so much development, experiment, and the occasional 'what if', the arc of the technology, the desires of the public, and the music that plays forth from what is created and made available....

I'm not surprised we argue the way we do.  Passion begets passion, kinda normal for us the species.  As long as I don't read a post where 2 of 'competing opinions' are making a date for a midnight tryst for 10 paces with sidearms, heated 'discussions' are OK by me and I trust by most that attend such....  

A variant on the above scenario I would buy a ticket to...1 meter pace, 1 meter cables (high $ only, no interconnects).  Padded clothing (think the Michelin Man) and full face helmets, gloves.  First cable to break loses.  First cable to break through padding wins.  Simple.

But, I'd also like to see a golf round played with slingshots and pool cues....just because there's sacred cows about that still get tested for pregnancy just like the regular ones....

"I hate each Julie Andrews film they've made,
I'm just a nasty narrow-minded jade.
Don't think that I will smile at it,
I'm not a weak-willed hypocrite,
I'll say: I'm bored!"

"I'm Bored"; Gorilla, Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band

Well, with cable arguments, anyway....