Network Audio Player - need some basic advice

I am a bit of a Marantz fanboy and currently listen to mostly vinyl and cd's.  I have over 500 of each and never seem to be short of listening options. I use a Marantz PM-11S3 integrated amp and an SA-8004 SACD player.

This weekend my boys pressed me on why I cannot access music online.  Being an old fart, I had no response other than to offer to play them some of my vinyl.

Shamed by my spawn, I tried to read up on what was offered by Marantz in this category.  With at least  four products (NA-6005; NA-8005; NA-11S1; HD DAC-1) spanning in price from $649 to $3,499, I quickly realized I had no idea what the basic selection criteria should be - there are so many formats I am unfamiliar with as well as a variety of input connections.  In addition, I am quite concerned about the obsolescence factor given how rapidly these formats seem to change.  I also do not understand why some have wireless connectivity and some do not and whether this is a big deal or not as my system is on a different floor than my incoming service.

 My SA-8004 has a USB port on the front and coax and optical inputs /outputs on the rear, plus an input labeled "USB DAC" which is an unusual shaped input unlike the usb on the front panel. The PM-11S3 only has RCA inputs.

Can someone give me ( or point me to) a basic primer on this topic? What are the essential features to look for?  I am a complete luddite, so it needs to be REALLY basic, i.e. the more acronyms used, the more my ears begin to bleed.

I love my other Marantz gear, and start with a bias towards the brand , but are they offering a good product line for this, or are they behind the curve.  If not Marantz, then what does more for the same money?  If I cannot plug directly into my internet connection, is there a device I can buy to make a wireless connection?

Given my preference for vinyl and cd's, I do not want to spend a ton of money for another piece of gear, especially if it will be obsolete in a year or two.

Thanks in advance for any guidance you can provide.

Marantz is not the answer for you this time......

Marantz has a streamer, but they are woefully inadequate on a slick user interface that is easy to learn and's clunky and getting the music into the box or getting the box to see the network isn't user friendly.

I would go with the Auralic Aries Mini @ around $500.00 or so

It is primarily a streamer, has all the wireless capability someone would want and supports Tidal, A MASSIVE REASON FOR DOING THIS....(if you have this device without a Tidal subscription, you need psychiatric care)

If you would rather store your music files on the device itself, just add a solid state harddrive inside the box, or add an external USB'll of course need your spawn to rip your CDs to files and then fill up your drive....

The biggest reason to go Auralic is they have just the absolute easiest, slickest and most mature iphone/ipad interface out never crashes, and it's just beautiful.......

I will venture a guess that once you discover the joys of sending Tidal CD quality files to your DAC and having millions of songs to choose from, it will alter your listening habits just as a DVR has altered everyone's watching habits......