benjie,"any idea"?.... good question! what I know is that the process is proprietary. I think it is like cable cooking with specially designed and built magnetic power equipment.
I know it includes a number of different processes done over 8 days.
I know that they treat all new cables and cords this way before shipping.
I know it was an idea of Ricks to greatly increase the break in process.
and Ricks description "a 'new magnetically driven amplification process to enhance the power of the magnets and internal connections and to magnetize the internal wire."
I know that someone is writing a review of the process.
My experience over the past 5 years shows me that more magnets makes more music.
I know it made my system sound like a completely new and much more refined system. The magic has gone thru the roof!! Engulfing performances!
Considering where the system was to begin with, this is astonishing!! I expect improvements to continue for a number of weeks.
Highly Recommended ;-) D