Believe it or not, isolation is like everything else - system dependant! Almost two years ago I received a Baetis Reference music server with custom Sillpoint footers and the Stillpoints did absolutely nothing to improve the server's sound. So, I removed the Stillpoint footers and placed the Baetis unit on a Star Sound Technologies Apprentice isolation platform and the unit came to life, in fact, it sounded like a totally different unit and this is no lie. Needless to day, I sold the Stillpoints. The bottom line is like everything have to try what you are considering to determine if the investment is worth the return. BEFORE you invest in isolation be sure to 1) completely have your component settled/burned in and 2) make sure you anally voice your speakers to your room. Proper setting up and voicing your speakers to you room is something many people overlook drastically robbing them of the performance. Spend the time to voice your speakers to your room (and not the other way around as so many people do). When you achieve this, you will hear stuff in your music that you never heard before. At this point you can consider isolation properties. Some great pics of Star Sound Technologies isolation products appear on my Auduogon virtual system here: