Marantz AV7005 vs McIntosh MX-120

Hey Audiogoners I need some help and opinions from audiophiles. People who understand that there is a difference between a up converted DVD and a Blu-ray. People who recognize the fact that vinyl on the right system will always beat your damn AWIA mini system!

I’m looking to upgrade my current home theatre preamp. First let me tell you about my current system. This is it: I’ve since added a HTPC, which is wonderful, and a DVDO scalier/switcher. ( )

Here is the Question/options

Option A: I can get the Marantz AV7005 which handles all the current surround options.

Option B: I can get the McIntosh MX-120. Now the MX-120 can’t handle anything super current as far as surround goes. I can use my DVDO to handle all video switching and then send the audio via HDMI to the McIntosh for decoding. The pro to this set up is the analogue section of the McIntosh for my 2 channel audio is far better than the Marantz.

What do you think?
Ag insider logo xs@2xkenm80
The Macintosh cost 4 times as much... i be live 6 k as posed to 1.5 k for the marantz..... the marantz is rumored to be upgraded soon, but i have not seen it announced yet.

i am in the same boat as you.
Also i believe they both have the older room correction. Micintosh has a mx 150 that is supposed to be great...but even more money....but.... they came out with a mx151 so you might be able to get a great deal on the mx150.
I just made this same decision, and went with the mx120. Unfortunately, mine arrived with 2 tone control probelms and is still with Audio Classics for repair. I'm hopeful they can fix it.

If you're buying used, try to buy from someone with plenty of good feedback and someone who is actually using the gear on a daily basis. The gear flippers don't really do much more than plug a unit in and look for lights. Unfortunately, the flippers appear to be outnumbering the fans here.
There is NO guarantee that the Mclntosh will be the better unit. Many "high-end" boutique companies are simply exploiting brand-name association to give an air of quality and somehow justify their much higher prices. (in fact that high price is an integral part of the marketing strategy) Take the first reply in this thread for example... has he even ever seen one or let alone heard one to make that statement? That's the power of marketing and brand recognition. It's the unstoppable gut feeling you get if I was to say Jaguar or Toyota. You simply can't help yourself.

Have a read of this cheap mass-market brand blu-ray player that Joe sixpack average that lives across the street from you will be using... www.(remove)

Now have a read of a review of an $8k Mclntosh blu-ray player that would no doubt have many people lusting after it from just nothing more then seeing an ad for it in a glossy magazine... www.(remove)

Before you fall for the hype, you really should simply just judge each bit of gear on its own merits regardless of the name on its face plate and the pricetag.
Maybe you could try one of the online sellers of the Marantz such as musicdirect. 30 day no problem returns. You try it out and see if you like it. You might save a lot of money.