Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
"Dlcockrum,  what have you been considering for vibration control ?"

Hi audiolabyrinth,


Also purchased eden Sound TerraStone footers for the "new to me" MW Sony 5400ES and TerraStone roller bearings to go under the MW power supply and under my preamp.  All should be here Friday.


Best to you audiolabyrinth,
The Zero Evolution Phono

The Zero Evolution Phono-Cable is the epitome of high-end reference quality phono cables. The design and technology used in creating this exceptional cable, is a far cry above any other phono cables that are currently available in today’s marketplace. Extremely low Capacitance as well as exceptional high-frequency extension The Zero Evolution Phono-Cable works very well with all cartridges regardless of voltage. The Zero Evolution also incorporates a “star-ground” system (SGS) with a variety of optional male/female mini-banana connections. This system is unrivalled in that it provides the option of floating or connecting different sections of The Zero GX Phono-Cable shielding system. There are subtle differences to be heard, some of which are caused by slight variations in the shield and grounding arrangements of the cartridge and the tonearm, and the turntable and the phono-preamp. As we all know, the shield/ground formats in the Phono interface are sometimes different enough to create a hum or buzz problem. Using The Zero Evolution Phono Cables’ superb proprietary shielding system, we are able to provide a method of optimizing the shield and ground system for the lowest possible noise floor in this critical component interface. As we all know, the shield/ground formats in the Phono interface are sometimes different enough to create a “hum or buzz” problem. With The Zero Evolution Phono Cables’ proprietary shielding system (SGS), we are able to provide a method of optimizing the shield and ground system for the lowest possible noise floor in this critical component interface.“Master” Gen3 Conductor is: 99.999999% Oxygen-free, mono-crystal, rectangular solid core, hand-polished, frequency-tuned copper conductor.Available termination: RCA, XLR, 5 pin DINHandcrafted in USA and lifetime guaranteedExcellent high-frequency extension & exceptional detailTight bass & full midrangeExtremely revealingImpressive holographic soundstageNeutral & naturalUnparalleled musicality
Why high-frequency extension, capacitance and picofarads go hand in hand regarding:"How much of the music do you really hear?"More Capacitance = More DistortionHF extension or “high-frequency extension” can be described as the frequencies and harmonic structure heard at the sonically extreme levels in music. Part of the frequency/harmonic structure is not even heard but felt in music, through the inner ear bones, the face, the skull and so on. The sonic benefits are not only for cymbals, triangles, brass instruments but for violins which produce frequencies as high as 40 kHz. The high-frequency extension is needed in order to have a more authentic harmonic structure, which enables us to hear leading edge transients and the decay of musical notes. Otherwise the leading edge details of mid-range and bass notes sound dulled. This is also measurable with square waves, where high-frequency attenuation of ultrasonic and audio band frequencies causes distortion known as overshoot and ringing of the square wave.
Part of the reason that TARA Labs interconnects offer the listener more high-frequency extension than any other cables in the world, has to do with our extremely low capacitance (measured in pico-Farads or pF). This remarkable level of achievement has been accomplished through our thirty years of experience in technology & design. Even though this technology exists in all our interconnects, our flagship cables; The Grand Master Evolution interconnects offers a clear example of just how far we have taken this technology. While virtually all of the cable manufacturers in the world claim pF in the double digits, TARA Labs Grand Master Evolution interconnects has a remarkable pF of 2.0. This translates to, as Stereophile’s top reviewer Michael Fremer wrote regarding his review of the Evolution cables, “Limitless high-frequency extension.”
For a more detailed description of the importance of this technology, this can be explained as; For every doubling of the capacitance, the high-frequency bandwidth is reduced by a full octave, thereby high-end audio interconnects in the marketplace manufactured by the most well-known and respected audio cable manufacturers, such as Nordost, Cardas, Stealth, Crystal, Transparent, MIT, Kimber, etc, have capacitance numbers that are typically in the low double digits or slightly lower than 10 pF in their extreme top of the line audio cables. Which again in layman’s terms means; more capacitance equals more high-frequency roll-off and distortion. So for example, if you take 4 pF, double it to 8, double it again to 16 and then double this again to 32, this translates to doubling the capacitance 3 times, which means that each doubling is an octave lost of high frequency. In this example, 3 full octaves of music have been lost or filtered away.
In this particular case, three full octaves of high-frequency extension are lost due to the increased capacitance. More distortion, higher noise floor, loss of high-frequency extension, as well as the nuances that are lost when listening to music at this extreme level of audio technology. Please note the audible frequency spectrum ranges from 20Hz to 20 kHz then the ultrasonic spectrum from 20kHz – 100kHz and then the RF or radio frequency spectrum 100kHz - 300 GHz.
Due to the ultra-low capacitance of the Grand Master Evolution at 2pF, the listener is able to hear more of the music faithfully reproduced, more so than any other high-end reference audio cables in the world.
Below is a comparative list of how TARA labs interconnect audio cables compare in regards to capacitance levels measured in picofarads (pF) to some of the leading and most well-respected audio cable manufacturers in the world. Remember, more capacitance means more distortion.
The Muse w/HFX

TARA Labs is extremely proud and excited to introduce a brand new high-end audio cables series called, The Muse.
Beginning with the Muse interconnects, this new series will offer the listener a cable that has superb high-frequency extension, as well as being exquisitely revealing of low level ambient and spatial information. You will hear an impressively low noise floor, pin-point imaging with the absence of distortion, which also includes an equally impressive soundstage.
Rounding out this complete audio cable package is a characteristic presence of superb musicality! The listener can expect to hear their music played with such feeling and such emotion, that the performance level of these cables would absolutely alleviate any thoughts of uncertainty or doubt, by even the strongest critics of an audio cables performance.The Muse series cables will take the listener to places of musicality that very few cables can ever hope to match.
The construction of the Muse interconnect begins with the precise measuring, machining, and cutting of TARA labs proprietary materials. Beginning with our 99.999999% pure rectangular solid core copper conductors that are super-annealed, oxygen–free, mono-crystal, and frequency-tuned. The conductors are then hand-polished and coated in our proprietary liquid dielectric to prevent oxygenation before inserting into PTFE Teflon lumens air tubes. The meticulous hand-crafted construction techniques used by our technicians, then assemble these materials into an audio cable that is capable of bringing recorded music as close to live as you can get. TARA Labs legendary HFX floating ground station system is also included with all Muse interconnects.
RCA or XLR terminationAll PTFE Teflon air dielectric spacers and center tubeTwin axial-design features RSC Gen2 conductors using Aero-PTFE dielectricHFX Floating Ground Station SystemExtremely open and detailedExpansive 3 dimensional soundstageExceptional low noise floorSuperb musciality 
TARA Labs HFX Floating Ground Station SystemHFX
The HFX Floating Ground Station is an extraordinary component that is included with all reference “Extended” bandwidth interconnect cables. TARA Labs proprietary ground station system is made of mil-spec aluminum alloy. Our specific metallurgical properties allow for the reduction of radio frequency interference (RF) and electromechanical resonance; EMI/RFI. It's 18.23% heavier and stronger than aircraft-grade stock. Equipped within the HFX station is a patented ceramic composite of metallic oxides and an amalgam of mineral elements in a proprietary ceramic binder called "Ceralex."
Because the HFX functions completely outside of the signal path, its ability to dissipate and eliminate the effects of EMI/ RFI (Electromagnetic interference & Radio frequency interference) which also includes sonic distortion, noise, "snow", and lack of image clarity. What the listener will hear using the HFX system is more high frequency extension, incredible details, tighter bass and full mid-range, including enhanced musicality and neutrality which are all signature characteristics of TARA labs high-end audio cables. The HFX Floating ground Station System comes complete with a variety of mini banana & spade leads to connect it to virtually any component. The appearance of the HFX station is one of beauty and elegance, in addition to its superb performance.