Newbie question-- where to throw my frogskins next?

Hey folks, my first post--

So my new year resolution was to get into vinyl and these past 11 months I've been on an very enjoyable, and thanks to craigslist fairly affordable, audiophile neophyte journey.  I really barely know what I'm doing, but think I've lucked onto a pretty sweet vinyl setup;

AudioTechnica 120 turntable (with their standard cart)
Marantz sr7007 (using pre-outs for front speakers, but built in for surround speakers)
Moscode 300 ($150 craigslist score!)
Klipsch Forte I (replaced crossovers and tweeter diaphragms) 

So my question is, if I wanted to throw about $1000 at this system, where would I actually hear the biggest difference?  Better turntable?  Tube preamp?  Save my money as the difference would be negligible?  

I'd love to find a deal on a Mcintosh preamp, but the truth is I use the system for home theater and gaming and appreciate all the HDMI switching and surround sound the Marantz is giving me.  But I am also listening to vinyl every day now...  :-)

Thanks in advance for any advice!
Front end. Buy something that you can build the rest of your system around moving forward. For $1000 to 1500 there are plenty of really nice used turntables to be had, as well as cartridges, as a package.

Once you have that set, a decent phono pre-amp would be my next choice.
Here are 2 very good turntables. The Shure cartridge on the Dual is a score in itself, although the styli are getting expensive. The Linn is just sweet with a great tonearm, although I recommend looking for a Basik if you can find one. The Axis power supplied can go bad.
Then you have money for a nice cartridge, phono preamp, maybe a cable upgrade (don't get carried away with cables. Music Direct is having a sale on the Moon pre by Simaudio:
You'll also want to budget for some kind of record cleaning system; but that's a whole other subject.
Given that you seem to be happy with your 5.1 system and are simply attempting to add vinyl as a source I would devote your expenditures toward that end. Stick with the electronics (amplification) you currently have.

Though it is easy to recommend upgrading your vinyl front end, and that would surly provide sonic benefits, the process need to be done judiciously at a  $1000 expenditure. 

First you need to ask yourself how do you like the sound you are getting from your current vinyl system and what about it do you want to improve?
Second, I agree that you need to budget for a vinyl cleaning system. This is the 1st thing I would do. One option is to check out the Spin Clean at  ~$80. There is a thread here regarding improving results with this system. Vinyl is a labor of love, starting with insuring clean records. There are many cleaning options, research this.

In terms of your TT, if you are happy with how it performs, I would look into two possibilities, upgrading the cartridge and getting an outboard phonostage. 
What cartridge is on the TT? I believe the AT95E is the standard on that model. I may be wrong.  Is it in good shape? With most TT systems sold with a cartridge a cartridge upgrade is a good place to start. Given your budget I would stick to MM cartridges. There are more budget options and they have greater compatibility with most phonostages.

There are several outboard budget ($130-$200) phono stages available. Schiit audio makes one that comes very highly regarded for $129. I believe any of them would make a sonic benefit over that supplied in your AVR. 

One last suggestion, purchase a copy of 'The Complete Guide to High End Audio" by Robert Harley. A great single source of information for anyone interested in audio.

Good luck in your audio endeavor.