Primaluna Dialogue HP integrated

Anyone using one?  What are you opinions/feelings?  What were you running before?  What kind of speakers are you using?  Thank you!
My PL HP  is going on 2 years. Upgraded from a Prologue 2 which I enjoyed for several years. It didn't have a remote, so that was a big factor upgrading to the HP.

Sonic wise, the HP just delivers what all the reviews state.
Geat sound is subjective, I compare what my system sounds like to the uber systems I like, at shows/stores. IMO, the HP 
with the appropriate $$  level source/speakers AND room setup, approaches the REALLY nice systems for considerably less.

Speakers used-Opera Seconda floorstander(sealed) & REL B3 sub. Nordost plumbed from wall-power plant-speakers.
The model I use is several years old and has been revised a couple of times. If I get the itch in a couple of years, I will splurge 5K+on some used Sonus Faber speakers and 2 subs.

I dont feel the need to go separates-linestage/amps. Although, If I started from scratch, with a few more bucks,I would get the HP monoblocs/pre, just because.

I am debating on getting the PL Dialogue HP to run Wilson Audio Sashas's which are 91db. I currently haven an Arcam A49 which is great with the speakers, just looking for a change. Other one I am considering is a ss Pass Labs INT 60. Wish I knew how each would sound and if the HP has enough to drive my Sasha's. 
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