Sometime before getting into the high end, I visited a friend who had a rig with an equalizer. I didn't even know what an equalizer was or did at that time; but I knew it sure looked impressive. This thing had 20 slider switches, and lights blinking for left and right channels; it looked so impressive that I wanted one for that reason alone. "Look at my new equalizer"!.
"What does it do"? Just look at it; with all those multicolored lights blinking, isn't that enough?
With an EQ you could shape the music however it suited you; this gave you the power of being the band leader.
My "Phase Linear 4000" had turnover tone controls, dynamic range expander, plus noise reduction; it was really hot stuff (junk under the hood) Now of course I have a pre without any tone controls because I want to hear the music on the record, not recreate it; which gets us to my present speakers.
Most people have had at least a half dozen or more pairs of speakers since I finally perfected the ones I got; that's why I want some "different" speakers. But after carefully listening to my "none" speakers, I thought about the equalizer, and the "turnover" tone controls; that brought me back to where I first got into the high end with no tone controls.
The purpose of this thing is to hear the "artist's music", not mine; and the speakers I have perform that function like no others I've heard.
What I need, is friends with equalizers, and turnover tone controls so I can come back to my rig, and say "Home sweet home".
Enjoy the music.